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Sorry guys for the late update! My last two weeks were shit bc personal probs ok this chapter takes place of the pizza date night thing okkkkk lol



HE GAZED into his phone for what felt like hours, but were only minutes. The door opened and he turned around. "Tommy!" He shouted.

"What?" He snapped. He was so frustrated because he wasn't getting anything on his phone.

"I found him."

"Call T right now!"

Andy grabbed his phone and dialed T's number quickly. He left to go into another room and Tommy sighed contently. They were so close. Tommy doubted it before, but now...he knew everything would fall into place. They were a few steps away from getting everything they wanted. It had been so awful for them two years ago. But as they days went by, they were going to hit gold. Tommy's thoughts were soon interrupted when Andy reappeared into the living room.

"He's on his way."

"Is he bringing her?" Tommy asked. A smile grew upon his face. He began to think of what would happen if she came. It would make his so happy, just like before.

"Oh yes!" Andy nodded eagerly.

"How about Irwin? I heard he's got a fine lady now," Tommy knew what she looked like. Well, he knew her for a very long time.


Lily sat on her father's lap. She wore red lipstick and a tight dress. Occasionally, she'd go lead the other men to the spare bedroom, giving what they wanted because it was what her daddy wanted her to do. All the guys had a beer in hand. Ashton's father sat across from Tommy. Music blasted from the stereo and smoke filled the air. "Your daughter is a fine piece of ass," Andy smirked and nodded in his direction.

"Oh I know. You're lucky I even let you borrow her," he replied cockily and gave her a smug look. Lily smiled sweetly. "How 'bout you, Irwin?"

"I got a girl," he laughed and took a sip of his beer,"I'm surprised no one hasn't found out." He chuckled deeply along with the rest of the men.

"They don't even know you're alive," Andy added and they laughed once more.

"Andy here, found Luke!" Tommy shouted loudly, slapping his knee from hysteria.

"You bet I did. He's got his hair up, lip pierced, I bet he gets the girls just like me. His lady though...damn. Flynn sure has grown up."

Tommy's jaw dropped, including the cigar which plummeted to the carpet. He mumbled a shit and quickly picked it up. "Flynn? Haven't seen her in ages." From what he said, it made him want to see her again, just to see how she looked. Maybe even get some if he was lucky.

The group of men continued to talk amongst themselves and eventually other men had joined the party. Lily did as her father asked and pleased them. She was obedient. She liked being used. She liked having men stare at her longingly. She liked it all. The sweet girl facade was just for Luke. She had gotten what she wanted. Lily had gotten the pleasure from him and that was it.

Although, she wasn't that surprised when Luke begged for more. She found it pathetic, really. She was glad that he went for Flynn, not because she wanted him to be happy, but because she wanted to get rid of him. After Lily had taken care of another man, she spotted Albony. The two found a quiet place and sat down.

"We're so close," they held each other's hands and squealed.

A knock rang through their ears. The door opened, revealing the little four year old boy.



Sorry did this chapter suck? I tried making it lengthy as possible, but now you guys know what's going on in the criminal world.

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