Chapter 1-The Letter (Prologue)

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The bottom of my letter went a little something like this:

“Thank you boys and I hope to see you in Australia!

Grace Cheshire

Mobile: 04 123 456 789”

Reading over it once more, ‘Sounds good’ I thought. As I pressed save for the last time. “Right, now an envelope,” I said to myself as I pressed print and wandered out the door to the kitchen. “Muuumm!” I yelled to my mother who was in the other room, “where are the envelopes?”

“They're, in the draw with the stamps in the study,” she replied impatiently. “Alright, I’m going to walk to the shops and post something, ok? I'll be back soon.” I called out whilst trying to find my infamous left shoe.

“Fine,” she replied, “Are you sure its light enough? Its eight o’clock in the morning.” I hopped out the front door whilst trying to put on my left shoe. I called back

“Australia in summer mum, it gets light at five thirty!” with that I slammed the door behind me as I walked up the driveway.

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