Chapter 39-No More Secrets

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I was sitting at the kitchen table eating a sandwich that I had made for myself and thinking.  There is something that had been bothering me for weeks.  It was Melody.  Whenever I looked at her, I saw Harry, and I noticed that whenever Harry saw her, his face lit up.  I have to ask him about it.

As if on cue Harry walked into the room.  He saw the look on my face and rushed over to me.

“What’s wrong babe?  Are you ok?”  He asked urgently.  It was nice to know that he cared.

“Haz, I was wondering…what’s Melody’s story?  I noticed that your face lights up whenever you see her, you act all fatherly when you are around her, and she looks a lot like you, especially her eyes.”  I said to him.  He bit his lip. He was hiding something.

“Melody is Grace and my daughter.”  He admitted shamelessly.  My eyebrows rose

“Grace is 17 and isn’t she engaged to Louis?”  I asked in disbelief.  I couldn’t believe he would do something like that to his best friend!

“Yes she is, but she went out with me for a brief period before she was with him. I would never do something like that to Louis.”  He said firmly.  “When the boys and I met Sam, Niall and I fell in love with her instantly.  Long story short, she chose Niall.  I decided to date Grace to try and make her jealous and get her to come back to me.  My plan backfired and I accidentally got Grace pregnant with Melody in the process.  After we broke up is when Lou and Grace started going out.”  He explained.

“Oh, ok.  It’s been bugging me for weeks and I just wanted to know.”  I said.  He looked at me confused.

“Weeks? Why didn’t you ask me earlier?”  He asked surprised.

“I thought you might get mad.”  I admitted sheepishly.  He smiled softly at me.

“I would never get mad and I would never lie to you.  We promised to be honest with each other right?”  He told me.  I hugged him and buried my head into his neck.

“I love you.”  I said simply.

“I love you too.”  He said.  “More than you’ll ever know.”  I heard him whisper on the end.


I am glad Eleanor asked me about Melody because that meant I didn’t have to lie to her.  Funny thing was, I was actually going to tell her about Melody when I got home but being the mind reader that she is, she already knew.  I will say now that I am in no way, shape, or form ashamed of Melody.  She is my daughter and I do, and always will, love her. 

“So, could you give me a little briefing on ‘a day in the life of One Direction’ because I have always wondered what it would be like to be you?”  She asked me randomly.

“What would you like to know?”  I asked, surprised that she was interested in this.

“How you really perceive the fans, what recording is like, what performing in front of a crowd is like, what it is like being famous, that sort of thing.”  She asked. “I know this sounds a bit like an interview but I am genuinely interested.”  I smiled at her.

“I’ll start off answering your questions one by one.  1) We adore the fans, we wouldn’t be here without all of them, and we owe them so much.  Sometimes they can get a bit over the top, and the screaming is deafening but it’s ok.  We love them to death and we wouldn’t ever replace them. 2) Recording is so much fun.  We do it one by one, except for choruses and such, which we do together. 3) Performing in front of a crowd is one of the best feelings ever.  I feel so happy when I perform in front of a crowd with my four best friends by my side.  Performing is one of my favourite things to do. Finally, 4) Being famous can have its ups and downs.  On one hand you hardly have any privacy and you always have cameras following you, also you hear lots of rumours about yourself that, nine times out of ten, are total tripe.  On the other hand, we get to travel the world and perform in front of thousands of people.  So it has its positives and negatives.”  I explained. “Anything else?”  I asked.  Eleanor looked thoughtful.

“No, that’s all for now.”  She said.  Just then, Louis’ voice came echoing through the apartment

“HONEY I’M HOME!!!!”  I laughed

“Louis’ back.”  I said smiling, Eleanor laughed. Louis poked his head around the kitchen door.

“PUMPKIN!!!!  ELLIE!!!”  He shouted.

“BOO BEAR!!!” I shouted.

“LOULOU!!”  Eleanor shouted.

“How was your day?”  I asked.

“Good.  What have you two been doing?”  He asked, wiggling his eyebrows seductively.  I raised an eyebrow, and Eleanor laughed.

“She asked about what it was like to be us and I was giving her a glimpse into ‘a day in the life of One Direction’.  I also told her about Melody.”  I said.  Louis smiled.

“Well, at least now she knows.  No more secrets.”  Louis said.

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