Chapter 14-Danielle

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*The Next Day*

I woke up the next day feeling really drowsy.  Great, jetlag was starting to kick in.  It would take me at least a week to shake it.  Niall was passed out next to me when I woke. I swivelled around so I could look at his face.  He was so peaceful when he was sleeping.  My eyes slowly trailed down his body, god this boy was fine!  I could just see the top of his abs under the covers when a voice startled me

“Like what you see?”  He asked smirking. “You know it is rude to stare.”

I looked up at him, blushed and fell silent, a timid smile forming on my face.

“Sorry.” I said quietly.

He brought his lips to mine and we shared a short yet, passionate kiss.

“Time to get up.”  Niall announced and threw back the covers, whirling his legs off the bed and stood up, all in one swift movement.  He looked at me.

“Don’t make me drag you out of bed.”  He said with a twinkle in his eye.  I got out of bed and groaned.

“Jetlag is a bitch.”  I stated grumpily

“I know how you feel love.”  Niall said comfortingly.  “I need to ask Liam something, do you want to stay here and get dressed while I whizz over to his place for a few minutes?”

“Sure” I said suspiciously.

“Awesome, will be back in a few.”  He threw on some clothes and raced out the door.  I looked after him suspiciously then shrugged and went to the bathroom to have s shower.


I wanted to let Sam and Grace meet Danielle so I went to tell Liam.  I didn’t want to call her without him knowing.  I got to his apartment and knocked on the door.

After a few minutes a sleepy Liam arrived at the door, still wearing his pyjamas.

“Niall!  Come in.”  Liam said surprised, standing aside so I could walk through the door.  “I didn’t expect to see you out of bed this early.”  He joked.  “Jetlag not hit you yet?”  I chuckled

“Yes, it has Liam.”  I smiled.  “I know this is like the second day we have been here but I want Sam and Grace to meet Danielle.  What do you think?” I asked

Liam raised his eyebrows

“I have no problem with that.  Why don’t we get her to come over…what time is it now…” he looked at his watch, it was 9:40am.  “Around 10:30?”  He suggested

“Awesome.  Do you want to call her or shall I?”  I asked him

“No, I will.” He yawned and a smile formed on his face “It’ll be nice to see her again.”  He said dreamily

“Liam, you saw her not only 15 hours ago.”  I said jokingly

“So? I still can’t wait to see her.”  He said folding his arms across his chest.  I laughed

“I understand Liam, believe me.”  My face then turned serious “You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if you two got married.  I mean you are obviously head over heels for her and you have been dating for over a year.”  I said smiling.  He looked at me nervously.

“Can I tell you a secret?”  He asked, clasping his hands together like he does when he is nervous.

“Sure.”  I said cautiously

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