Chapter 17-Near Death Experiences

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*Five Days later.  Back at Niall, Sam and Grace’s apartment*


I decided to stay home for the day.  Worst idea I could possibly have.

'This is all my fault!' I thought to myself as I sat alone in Sam, Niall and I's apartment. 'If I hadn't sent Niall a text message then Sam would be ok right now, not fighting for her life in hospital!' A tear ran down my cheek 'This is all my fault!' I exhaled deeply 'I'm not worth all this- the heartbreak, the scandal, the pain. How could I have ever thought that I would be good enough for any of them?! Harry was right, I am totally stupid and worthless!' At that point I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. 'I would save everybody if I wasn't here. Sam doesn't deserve to be there- I do!' the tears came streaming down my face 'Those girls were all right! I am just useless!'

Then, in the heat of the moment I grabbed a razor blade and ran it the whole way round my left wrist. I quickly dropped the device and watched the blood slowly trickle down my arm. This was one of the most painful moments in my life! I writhed in agony, curling up into a ball as I lay on the floor in a pool of my own blood. I begun feeling dizzy, faint and my eyesight was beginning to blur. This was when I was saved by my two angels, although I could not see who they were, one of the angels picked me up and wrapped my arm in his t-shirt. I heard shouting but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. One of the angels picked me up in his arms and rushed out the front door.  That was when I descended into blackness...


Harry and I had gone back to the apartments to look for Grace and it didn't take us long to find her. As we walked into Sam, Niall and Grace's apartment we noticed that it was quiet- too quiet. We exchanged glances and Harry proceeded to check the kitchen and living room whilst I searched the bedrooms and the bathrooms. As I walked in I was totally shocked to find Grace laying on the floor semi-conscious surrounded by a pool of blood. "Harry, get in here!" I called out almost unable to speak. He rushed in and his jaw dropped.

"Oh my god. why the hell would she do that?!" He asked panicking

"I have no idea..." I replied still a little dazed "Come on, we have to get her to the hospital NOW!" He grabbed his mobile and told them that we were coming while I wrapped my t shirt round her arm and scooped her limp body up in my arms.

"Please don't die Grace, not now, stay strong please!" I was pleading her as we were on our way. She gave me a tiny hint of a smile and blacked out.

*At the hospital*

"She will be alright Mr. Tomlinson," the doctor began to my relief, "She lost a lot of blood but she is definitely a fighter. Miss Cheshire will be alright soon, we just have to let her wake up again, alright?" I nodded so glad that she would be ok. Sam and Grace's beds were next to each other, which meant that we could watch over them both at once.

Sam had woken up whilst we were gone- much to Niall's obvious delight that his fiancé was alright. The second that she saw Grace being brought in, she turned grey. Harry and I explained to the boys, Sam and Danielle what had happened. They all looked utterly shocked and worried.

*6 hours later*


I woke up in a hospital. I turned my head to the left to see Sam looking over at me with a look of relief on her face.

"Hey." I said weakly trying to sit up using my left arm.  This caused me complete agony and I crumpled back onto the bed.

"Oh thank god you’re alright!" She replied sounding like she was feeling much better.

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