Chapter 9-What Happens Now?

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Louis’ POV

“I’m pregnant” she said as my eyes widened “with Harry’s child.” subconsciously putting her hand on her stomach.  

My mouth fell open in horror

“That dirty fucking bastard! What the hell did he think he was fucking doing?! You are only fucking 16!” I growled, anger rising rapidly

Grace looked up from the ground with tears forming in her eyes 

“I know, I said that to him but he didn’t listen, he looked into my eyes and said ‘Don’t you trust me?’ and I gave in to him.” 

She began sobbing loudly as I cradled her in my arms.  He has gone WAY too far this time, I thought to myself as Grace begun sobbing even louder, my hands started to shake with anger. I looked at her, there were tears streaming down her face.

“I’m sorry Louis. I understand if you hate me now and don’t want to see me anymore. Any of you.” She looked up at me and I wiped the tears off her pale face. 

I pulled her even closer to my chest 

“I could never hate you! No matter what happens I will be here for you. What Harry did to you is NOT fair and totally selfish. He has being using you for his own advantage and that stops right now! I am here to protect you Gracie and I will be for the rest of my life.” She looked deeply into my eyes gratefully and said 

“Thank you Louis, I love you.” I stared straight back into her beautiful brown eyes and said 

“I love you too and I always will.” I smiled and sat her back up on the bench, put my arms around her and we sat in silence.

After about 5 minutes Sam and Niall came walking up the footpath. The second Sam saw Grace she practically ran up to us. Grace heard her coming and looked up.  Sam was running towards her followed closely by Niall.  I had my hood up so I think she thought I was Harry. 

“You selfish son of a-" she screamed at me and stopped and gasped when she saw my face. "Oh! Hey Louis, I am so sorry. I-I couldn't see your face and thought you were Harry" she said blushing, obviously feeling very embarrassed.

"That's ok Sam." I chuckled "That would have been my reaction too."  I winked at her. She turned to Grace,

"Gracie, are you alright?” she asked gently. Grace looked up, her eyes were still red and puffy and Sam saw immediately that she had being crying. Niall walked up behind her and said 

“You being talking to Lou too Grace?” I looked up to Niall and Sam 

“Yeah” I said quietly. A small smile on my face.  If only they knew what we had been talking about.

“Grace?” Sam asked “can I talk to you for a minute?” Grace looked a little puzzled 

“Ummm… sure.” She replied cautiously whilst being led away. She looked back to me with a sense of longing in her eyes and I couldn’t help feel the same.

“So I guess she told you” Niall said looking a tad inquisitive. I sighed and looked at the ground, nodding sadly. 

“Yeah,” I replied, “and I told her I loved her and told her Harry is using her to get to Sam."   I looked up at Niall, fierce anger plastered across his face 

“He is what?!" Niall exclaimed.  He calmed down slightly, anger turning into pride and worry

"You did the right thing Lou. I just can’t believe that he would do that to her. He is so used to getting whatever he wants that when he doesn’t, he will do anything to try and get it. No matter what the cost. Using my girlfriend's best friend, convincing her that he truly loves her, getting her pregnant and once he decided that either his plan wasn’t working or he was sick of her he would brutally dump her and shatter her heart…I didn’t think that he could stoop that low!” Niall was on a roll.  I nodded firmly in agreement 

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