Chapter 27-How Did I Get So Lucky?

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*Time Skip - Around an hour after editing and uploading of video*


Already, Niall and Louis’ video already had about 5,000 views on YouTube.  Personally, I didn’t think it would stop all the haters, but if it made them feel better about stuff that’s going on and would stop some haters, well, it was worth it.

Niall and Louis both tore through their bags to find their laptops and both of them went into Niall and Sam’s room to attack the haters on Twitter.  They had taken Sam and Grace’s laptops as well to read through both girls’ Twitter mentions. 

They showed Liam, Harry and I some of the hate messages that Sam and Grace were receiving and I thought it was sickening.  No one should have to go through that, especially the girls, who had done nothing to harm anyone.  I felt like going up against them but I don’t know if that would be such a great idea.  Thank gosh Sam and Grace had not been seen out with Ariana and Melody, I don’t know what would happen if they were.


Louis and Niall were currently upstairs attacking people on Twitter and apparently they had put a video up on YouTube defending us, much to Sam and my protests.

Sam and I were sitting downstairs with Danielle, Anne and Gemma talking and looking after Ariana and Melody while the boys did their thing upstairs.

“Don’t worry dear, they are only doing it out of love.” Anne said in an attempt to comfort Sam and I.

“Yes, I know.  It’s just that it makes us look as if we can’t defend ourselves.”  Sam replied softly.  I nodded.

“I’m going upstairs to see how the boys are going and if they need anything.”  I said smoothly.  “Can you look after Melody for me please?” I asked hopefully.  Anne, Gemma, Danielle and Sam nodded and I made my way upstairs.

I got to the top of the stairs and bumped into none other than Harry.

“Hey Grace, is everything OK?” Harry asked concerned

“Hey Harry.  Yeah, just a little hurt about all this hate is all.”  I said smiling

“OK, do you want me to take you to Louis?”  He asked curiously

“Yes please.” I said smiling sweetly.

“This way mademoiselle.”  Harry said putting on a French accent and leading me towards Sam and Niall’s room.

“That is just NOT fair!”  I heard Louis say in despair from inside Niall’s room.  Harry opened the door for me and the boys looked up

“Hey babe.”  Louis said, getting up from his computer and coming over to hug me.

“What are you guys up to?”  I asked innocently.  “Are you attacking people on Twitter?”  I asked curiously.  Louis looked at me and blushed

“Yes…” He said sheepishly

“Honestly Lou, don’t worry about it.”  I said “I have had so much hate in my life that it is nothing new for me.”  I said passively


“Honestly Lou, don’t worry about it.”  Grace said “I have had so much hate in my life that it is nothing new for me.”  She said passively. “It hurts, sure, but going back at it just fuels the fire.  It’s best just to try and ignore them.  Plus, you and Niall attacking them makes it seem like Sam and I cannot defend ourselves.”  She said wisely. 

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