Chapter 6-The Concert

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*One Week Later*



It was the night of the concert.  Grace and I were finally seeing One Direction live! I couldn’t believe my luck!  Niall had said to come early to the concert, but we weren't quite sure why.  We did as we were told and got there an hour early because we were so excited. When we got there an assistant came up to us and told us the boys wanted to see us before the concert.  We were speechless. Why would the boys want to see us before the concert?  We obligingly followed her as she led us towards their dressing room.  when we got there she knocked on the door 

"Yeah?" came an Irish accent from inside

"Two ladies here for you boys" the assistant said politely through a closed door.  We heard shuffling and the door opened.  As he opened the door,   Grace and I walked into the room buzzing.  All of the boys smiled at us and said hello.  Liam, Zayn and Niall motioned for Grace to come over to them, they obviously needed to tell her something but I didn't know quite what.  Oh well, I knew she would tell me later, she always does.  I decided to start talking to Louis as Harry was in the bathroom and Niall was talking to Grace.  I could see already that she was having fun; I thought she deserved to have a good time after all the crap that she had had to put up with this past year.    



Grace and I took our seats and we were buzzing.  We were so excited it was not even funny!  Just then the lights went dim and the pre-concert band started.  After about 15 minutes of them playing the light suddenly went black and the arena was consumed in darkness.  I saw a spotlight fall on my beautiful blond-haired Irish boy and he started to speak.

“HELLO CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA!!!  We are so excited to be here after a year and a half of being a band we are so happy to finally be here!  We love you all and we hope you enjoy the concert!  Now I will hand over to Liam to start us off.  Take it away mate!”  Niall stopped talking and four more spotlights appeared, one highlighting each boy.  They started to sing my favourite song ever, What Makes You Beautiful.

As the songs went on I enjoyed it even more each time I heard the songs, it was totally amazing and totally indescribable.  All I can say is that they most definitely did not disappoint.

They got to ‘Stand Up’ and I knew the concert was almost over; I had been counting the songs they sang and what they were.

“…because you stole my heart.”  Harry finished off the song and then I knew the show was over because the whole stage lit up and they all walked to stand together and Liam started talking to the crowd. 

Then Niall started to talk and created a moment I would never forget.


At the end of the concert, when One Direction had finished singing 'Stand Up', Niall stepped forward and said to the crowd of screaming fans words that would change my life.

"Hey everyone! How are we going? Did you enjoy the concert?" he asked, in response was a roar of deafening screams. 

"We have two very special guests here tonight that we would like invite up on stage.  One of which has put me at war with Harry" the two exchanged glares "and the other has helped me through it." He continued, "I think you know who you are but if you don't, Grace and Sam would you please come up on stage?" he asked politely in his gorgeous Irish accent.

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