Chapter 4-Jealously

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“I wonder who this Sam is...” I said to the boys as we walked into Grace’s room and Liam shut the door quietly behind us.

“I don’t know,” replied Niall as he plonked himself down on the bead, he chuckled, “probably just another 16 year old.”

“I don't quite know what to expect Niall but you might be right.” I said a little sadly, I heard voices coming towards the closed door. “Everyone, Shhhh… they're coming!” 

“Look who I found on my doorstep this morning!” Grace said excitedly as she opened the door. It sounded like she was bouncing.

The door flung open to reveal Grace standing with the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel and her hair was wavy, long, and such a beautiful shade of dark brown.  Her face was totally perfect in every way and…I have no words to describe how perfect she was.

“One Direction- this is Sam" Grace said with a smile "Sam- THIS is One Direction!” Grace was looking mildly proud of herself but I was more concerned with the angel-faced girl standing next to her.  She just stood there in awe, her perfect face motionless…

“Hey!” Liam, Louis and Zayn all said whilst Niall and I just sat on Grace's bed completely motionless trying to think of something to say. 

“Hello” Samantha replied, smiling sweetly.  I wanted to say something; Hello, how are you, anything! But no words would come out.  I felt as if I were in a trance, then I heard Zayn call Niall and I over.


My statement of "probably another 16 year old" was totally and completely wrong.  I heard Grace's voice at the door saying "You won't believe who I found on my doorstep this morning."  When she opened the door I found myself staring at an angel, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  She had the most beautiful hazel eyes, her hair was very dark brown and wavy, not as curly as Harry's but not dead straight either.  She had a look on her face, which was a mixture of total awe, shock, happiness and total perfection.  I was so entranced by her I barely noticed Liam, Louis and Zayn getting up to hug her and greet her, I was more focussed on her beautiful face and dazzling smile.  It was only when I heard Zayn call my name that I snapped out of my trance and walked over to this angel, Sam.  She smiled her perfect smile at me and I took her hand, brought it to my lips and kissed it lightly.

"It is lovely to meet you Samantha." I said with a smile.  I noticed she was blushing and I pulled her into a hug.  I looked up to see the unimpressed face of Harry staring down at me.  I smiled and released Sam; luckily she couldn't see Harry's face because he was standing behind her.  I went over and stood next to Grace as I saw Harry's arm snake around Sam's waist as he planted a kiss on her cheek.  I rolled my eyes, so Harry, always the flirt.

"Hello beautiful, it is lovely to meet you." he said in his most charming voice as he put on his wide dimple-smile.  I sighed as my face fell, I knew no girl could resist that smile so what chance did I have? I could tell by the way Harry looked at her that he was totally in love with her and I could also tell by the way he looked at me that he knew I was too.

As I was standing next to Grace staring at Harry and Sam I noticed Grace looking at me with a curious yet sad expression on her face. She could tell I was upset. 

"What's wrong Niall?" She asked, looking concerned.

"I am in love with Samantha but I know Harry is too." I said looking longingly at Sam and then turning to Grace. "and I mean who can resist him? The curls, the smile. Even though he is the youngest he still attracts a lot of the girls." She turned to me with a hopeful look on her face.

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