Chapter 36-I'd Do Anything

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*Three weeks later* 


Today I was going to Eleanor’s house today.  We had been dating for about a week and a half now and everything was going great.  Surprisingly, we hadn’t had any drama for the past couple of weeks and it was mainly “quiet”, well, as quiet as it can be when you are a member of One Direction, or dating/engaged to one.


I am a bit nervous about having Harry around to my house.  What will he think when he finds out?  Will he dump me?  Yell at me?  I don’t even know.  Anyway, he should be here in about half an hour so I should get everything ready for when he arrives.  I gave him my address so I didn’t have to pick him up.  I am not allowed to drive because of medical reasons, which you will probably find out later on, but I walk, take buses, and taxis and such so I can get around.  Anyway, he should be here soon so I better go!


When I got to Eleanor’s house it looked like no one was home; nearly all the lights were off, and there was hardly any noise coming from inside.  I checked my watch to make sure I wasn’t early.  I was on time so I decided to go up and knock on the door. Eleanor said she had a surprise for me but I am not quite sure what to expect.

I knocked on the door and a minute later it was opened by the beautiful, smiling face of my beautiful girlfriend.  I smiled happily.

“Hello sweetheart, how are you today?”  I asked politely.

“Well thank you. Come in, I’ll give you a tour of the house!” She said smiling.

Eleanor gave me a quick tour of her house and I couldn’t help but notice that all of the bedrooms aside from hers were completely empty!  I wonder where the rest of her family is? I thought.  We finished the “tour” in her bedroom.  We sat down on her bed and started talking for a while.  After about half an hour I finally got up the courage to ask her about the empty bedrooms.

“Hey Ellie?”  I asked

“Yes?” She replied.

“I was wondering why all the bedrooms were empty?”  I asked cautiously.  She looked at me sadly and I instantly felt guilty about asking.  “I’m sorry for asking, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to talk about it.”  I said quickly.

She sighed.

“I knew this would come up sooner or later.”  She murmured.  “I-I need to tell you a story…it’s about my family.”  She said sadly, tears forming in her eyes.  I quickly moved closer to her and pulled her into my arms.

“What is it babe?”  I asked carefully.

“Basically, my whole family – my mum, my dad, and my two younger brothers – are dead.”  She said crying.  I was shocked.  I held her in my arms and stroked her hair as she cried into my shirt.

“H-How?”  I asked softly.  She looked up at me, trying to contain her tears.

“My parent, my brothers, and I were driving to my aunt and uncle’s house in Essex to visit them and this idiot came up behind us, going at some ungodly speed, and ran us off the road.  The car rolled four times and landed on its side.  My parents died at the scene and my brothers died later in hospital. Just like that, my family was gone.  I was in hospital for eight weeks – three of which I was in a coma.  When I woke up I couldn’t see out of my left eye and the doctors told me that a piece of shrapnel had lodged itself in my eye, they got it out but they could not save my eyesight and I was going to be blind in that eye for the rest of my life.  I was nine.”  By the time she had finished her story, the unshed tears in her eyes were streaming down her face.

I was shocked.  How could such a thing happen to such a beautiful girl? I wiped away her tears with my thumb and stroked her hair as she cried.

“Would you like to come and live with me and Louis?  You seem so lonely and I’m sure he won’t mind.” I offered.  She looked up at me with a hopeful look on her face.

“Really?  You-You would do that for me?”  She asked, a mix of hope and happiness present in her voice as she looked deeply into my eyes.

I smiled softly and brought our lips together.  I felt everything you are supposed to feel when you kiss the one you truly love. Bombs, explosions, fireworks…everything.  I had never felt this with any other girl I had kissed before.

I pulled away and gazed into her crystal blue eyes.

“I’d do anything for you.”  I said definitively, resting my forehead against hers.

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