Chapter 34-Caresse Sur L Ocean

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*In a hospital somewhere and Hampshire*


Thank the lord we had found Sam.  We had left Ariana and Melody with Anne and Gemma, knowing they would be safe with them while we went and looked for Sam.

However, the last time I saw her conscious was before she passed out on my lap when we rescued her from Lamia’s house.

It was two hours until we got to a hospital and another ten hours we had been here.  She still wasn’t awake.  We had learned that all her wounds were infected because of the dirty bandages she was using and the fact that Lamia hadn’t cleaned her knives before she used them.

The doctors told us that she was about to enter the early stages of septicaemia, but if they acted quickly they could save her from any further damage.  They also told us that if we made it to the hospital any later she would most likely have had a death sentence written out for her so we had gotten there just in time.  Luckily though, after some surgery and antibiotics were administered through a drip her infections were beginning to heal and she should be ok within the next couple of days but they didn’t know when exactly she would wake up.

This is the second time in less than a year that I had been in a hospital with Sam after something bad happening to her.  Why can’t I just protect her?  I should have gone inside with her back at the Arena.  If I did, none of this would have happened.  I hung my head in shame and someone came over to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.  I looked up and saw it was Zayn.

“What’s the matter buddy?”  He asked quietly.

“I was just thinking that this is the second time I have been in the hospital with Sam in less than a year and if I went back into the Arena with her when she went to collect her bag none of this would have happened.”  I said, tears coming to my eyes.  Zayn pulled me into a hug.

“Niall, this isn’t your fault.  None of us would have ever suspected that this would have ever happened.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He said putting his arm around my shoulder.


I couldn’t believe that Niall was blaming himself for what happened to Sam. He wasn’t doing himself any favours by beating himself up about this. 

“Niall, we are going to get through this.  Sam will be ok.  I promise.”  I said, trying to reassure him.  He gave me a half hearted smile

“Thanks Zayn, you always know what to say.”  He said softly

*Time Skip – Sam wakes up (three days later)*


I heard a small groan from the bed next to me, and Sam’s eyes fluttered.   I gasped and scanned the room to see if anyone was paying attention.  Everyone else was scattered around the room – Grace was sleeping, her head on Louis’ lap whilst he was leaning against the back of the chair sleeping, Harry was sleeping in one of the chairs in the corners using his arm as a pillow, Liam was sitting down and was texting someone (probably Danielle) and Cora was asleep, her head on Zayn’s lap while he was flipping through a magazine.  I looked back at Sam.

“N-Niall?”  She asked in a small voice

“Yes, it’s me.”  I said smiling.

“W-what h-happened to me?”  She asked curiously

“Lamia kidnapped you and tortured you with the intention of killing you.  Luckily we got there and saved you before she could do any more damage.  We took you to this hospital and they said that you were about to enter the early stages of septicaemia but the doctors some antibiotics, which they administered through a drip since you were unconscious for three days.  They also said you should be ok if you keep taking them for the next three weeks.”  I told her.

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