Chapter 32-Torture

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I had a smirk on my face as I threw Sam, still unconscious, into the back seat of my mini-van.  I was smirking to myself as I realized I had finally got her.  Now all I had to do was decide between three things.  Whether to: A) kill her quickly so she won’t feel anything, B) kill her slowly and painfully, or C) torture her and then offer her back to her family but for a ransom. Hmm, B does sound very tempting.  I’ll choose when I get home.  She should be knocked out for a couple of hours – Chloroform is really strong stuff, especially when it is home made and I add a special ingredient to make it even stronger. 

I drove for a little while waiting, making sure Sam was still asleep every once in a while.  After about half an hour I pulled into my driveway.  I got out of the driver’s seat and went around to open the door to where Sam was.  I picked her up bridal style, closing the door behind me with my foot and locking the car behind me.  No one was around so I didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing me.

Once we were inside I went straight upstairs to the attic and dumped her in there.  I had left some bread and water for her to eat and drink (and that was me being generous), mainly because I wanted to torture her and then kill her.  You can probably tell now that I have picked option B. 

I went downstairs again to get something to eat.  Kidnapping is actually quite tiring believe it or not.  I made myself a sandwich and headed towards my garage to have a look and see what weapons I could use on her and figure out which method I would use to torture her and then ultimately kill her.  I walked into my garage, flicking the light switch as I entered.  My garage looked like it was empty so I went over to one of the shelves on the wall next to me, made sure the garage door was closed and moved a couple of the paint jars aside and pressed the small red button behind them.  A handprint scanner appeared and I pressed my hand against it. 

The shelves in front of me parted and the wall moved to the side, revealing a room that held a huge array of weapons.  A collection of knives, guns, shoguns, grenades, flamethrowers, whips, drawers holding ammunition, and many other types of weapons lined the four walls and my last used weapon and weapons bag lay on the table in the middle of the room.

I walked inside and walked across the room to the knives section and had a look at my collection of knives.  I picked out a few different types of knives to take upstairs to torture Sam.  I think knives should be good; I don’t really need anything else.  Oh!  Maybe a handgun would be a good idea as well.  I picked out my favourite handgun and shoved it in my bag.  I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room, pressing the red button once again as I exited the room and headed back upstairs. 

I walked up the stairs and into the attic and heard a groan from inside the attic.  Sam must be waking up.  I opened the trap door to the attic and saw Sam sitting up, groaning and holding her head in pain. 

“Sleeping beauty awakens.”  I said in a mocking tone.  She looked up at me immediately.

“L-L-Lam-m-ia!”  She said petrified, eyes wide.  What do you want with me?” 

“Oh, not much.  Just torture and kill you.  Oh and by the way, I was the one who was responsible for your attack last year.  You know, the one that almost killed you and yourprecious Ariana.”  I said in a casual tone.  Her eyes went wide.  She was speechless.

“K-k-kill m-me?”  She asked in a small voice.  “W-what did I e-ever d-do to y-you?”  She asked stuttering.  I glared at her.

“You don’t need to know that.  That is for me to know and only me.”  I said defiantly.  With that I took a knife out of my bag and flung my weapon bag into the corner.  Sam’s eyes were wide with terror at the sight of the knife.  I smirked evilly and in one swift movement I sliced a deep gash in her upper arm. Boy did I enjoy the sound of her screaming in pain.  Thank the devil that this attic was sound proof.  Two more slices later, and much more screaming, I stopped and threw the bloody knife back in my weapons bag. 

“That’s all for today.  But don’t get too used to this, these sessions are going to get longer.”  I said smirking.  Her eyes rolled back and she fell out of consciousness after I said that so I lifted up the hatch and disappeared from the attic and downstairs to my bedroom.

*A few hours later*


I was hoping this was all just a bad dream but god it felt real.  When I woke up Lamia was gone, I was lying in a pool of blood and that’s when I knew it wasn’t a dream because there were three slashes on my arm and there was blood spilling from them.  I noticed what looked like bandages lying in the corner of the room.  I didn’t really care if it was a bit dirty, as long as it stopped the blood from flowing freely out of my arm.

I wrapped my cuts up and slid down the wall in a fit of tears wondering if I would see my friends, fiancé or daughter ever again.

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