A/N:Lamia Keres

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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thought you might want to know a little more about Lamia since she came into the story quite suddenly.  Thanks for reading my lovelies :)

Hey losers,

My name is Lamia Daeva Keres (pronounced -> Lah-mee-ah, Day-vah, Care-rez)

My birthday is on May 16th (Taurus) and I am 19.

I will be honest with my personality and my likes/dislikes but apart from that you really have no business in my life or what I do.

Alright, let’s get this over with.


-       Egoistic – and not ashamed to admit it.

-       Introverted

-       I have no friends, nor do I have a boyfriend because, basically, people are scared of me. That is the way I like to keep it. 

-       A lot of people call me evil, scary, manipulating, blah, blah, blah…meh, I don’t really care.


-       Getting my own way

-       Winning

-       Being by myself (no friends, family or boyfriend)

-       A bunch of other stuff you don’t need to know


-       Losing

-       Motivational stuff

-       Everyone

-       Any form of “lovey dovey” stuff

-       Sam O’Connor

The person I hate, despise and loathe beyond all reason is Sam O’Connor.  Before you ask, “What has she ever done to you Lamia?” or “Why do you hate her so much Lamia?” or “Why did you try to kill her?” I am not going to discuss my personal business with you since you have no right to know such things.  All you need to know is I loathe her and I have my own reasons for what I do, none of which I will share with you.  All I will tell you is I have been after her for a long time, but I’m not going to tell you why.

I’m single and I plan on keeping it that way.  I don’t need a guy to dictate what I do or say, I’m the only one who has control over my life and fuck those who think otherwise.

Oh and the reason you have not heard of me up until now is that I have been planning something for One Direction and no one knows I am responsible for Sam’s attack.

I have a cunning plan for One Direction and their girlfriends.  When I am done, they won’t know what hit them…

Now go the fuck away you probing bitch!!

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