Chapter 40-Sam And Nial's Wedding

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“You look absolutely beautiful Sam.”  Rachael said smiling.  Rachael has been my best friend since forever and she is now my Maid of Honour (when I asked her she went insane with happiness).  She flew over to Ireland especially for my wedding.  It was just Rachael, my mum and I in the room while I was getting dressed. 

“Thanks Rach.”  I replied smiling.  She fixed my headband as the last thing on my outfit. 

“There, perfecto!”  She exclaimed, giving a quick clap.  “Turn around.”  She whispered in my ear.

I hesitantly turned around, nervous of what I would see.  I looked at myself in the floor length mirror and gasped.  I looked like a princess.(

“Wow…” I breathed.

“You look beautiful Sammie, I cannot believe my baby girl is getting married!”  My mum said smiling, tears of happiness in her eyes.

“Mum, no tears please.”  I begged.

“Sorry, sorry, you just look so beautiful.”  She said.

“She’s right.”  Rachael said.

“OMG!! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!”  Someone screamed from the doorway, I spun around to see my four bridesmaids at the door, dressed beautifully in green. (  Grace, Danielle, Cora, and Eleanor.

Niall had requested green to be our wedding theme so I agreed. However, my wedding dress was going to be the traditional white, which was something I wouldn’t budge on. 

*Time Skip - Wedding*



“…I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may now kiss the bride.”  The priest said.

I didn’t need to be told twice.  I took Sam by the waist and brought her lips to mine.  I felt her snake her arms around my neck as she deepened the kiss.  I really didn’t want to pull away but I did and she whispered in my ear.

“More tonight my loving husband.”  She said cheekily, I smirked and took her hand.

Then I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again, from a person I never wanted to see again.

“Aww, isn’t that sweet.”





“Aww, isn’t that sweet.  You two are such a cute couple.”  Lamia said super-sweetly.  She was dressed in this (

I automatically pulled a very frightened Sam closer to me.

“What do you want Lamia?”  I said, the anger and contempt clearly audible in my voice.

“Nothing.  I just wanted to congratulate the happy couple.”  She said innocently.

“BULLSHIT!!” I heard Grace exclaim.  I looked over to see her expression was one of unimaginable rage.

“Get. Out.”  Liam said firmly.

“Aww, but I had a present for the bride.”  Lamia said, walking slowly towards us.  I stepped in front of Sam so she would be shielded from Lamia as she moved closer and closer towards us.

Just then, Danielle launched herself towards Lamia.

“You fucking bitch!! Why are you really here? And I know it is not to congratulate Sam and Niall.”  She said fiercely as she pinned Lamia to the ground.

Lamia said nothing, her expression turned evil and before anyone could even move Lamia had Danielle flipped over onto her back, and Lamia’s hand clamped down on Danielle’s throat…choking her. 

“NO!!”  Liam screamed and threw himself at Lamia.  He pushed her off and knelt down next to Danielle who was now coughing and gasping for air.

“You’re right Danielle, I’m not just here to congratulate Sam and Niall…” Lamia said mysteriously.  She reached into her bag and pulled out a gun, pointing it at me.  “I’m here to finish what I started.” I wrapped my arms around Sam, my back to Lamia, in an attempt to protect her from harm.  With that, a gunshot rang out through the church…

I expected to feel a biting pain in my back, however, there was none.  I looked over at Lamia, not letting go of Sam and noticed that Grace was fighting Lamia, the gun halfway across the floor.  I noticed Eleanor was on the phone in the corner, I assume calling the police.

Rachael had come over to help calm Sam down because she was literally crying of fright.  Her tears leaving tracks in her makeup, she didn’t need it anyway.

Grace, Cora, Louis, and Harry now had Lamia pinned to the ground, whilst Zayn was with Liam and Danielle.

The police came in just at that second and ‘escorted’ Lamia out to their car.

“Well, that was very dramatic.” Rachael said jokingly.  That got a small smile out of Sam.

“Don’t worry babe, she’s gone forever, and we never have to see her again.”  I said comfortingly.

“Promise?”  Sam asked.

“Promise.”  I stated.


Why?  That was the only question floating around my head at the moment.  Why did Lamia have to come and try to ruin the best day of my life?  Why is she so set on killing me?  At least I have Niall, and the rest of my family and friends here to support me.

*Time Skip – Later at home (Grace staying at Louis and Harry’s, and taking care of Ariana)*

Niall and I got back to the apartment and he carried me in the door bridal style.  Grace had offered to stay at Harry and Louis’ apartment and take care of Ariana for the night so we had it all to ourselves.

“Let’s focus on the good things of today.”  Niall said happily.  “I just gained a beautiful wife whom I love with all my heart, Lamia was sent to jail and we never have to see her again, all our friends and family, from both Australia and Ireland, were here to share this happy day with us.”  Niall said.  “Shall I go on?”  He asked cheekily.  I giggled.

“Didn’t I promise you something at the alter my love?”  I asked teasingly.

“Why yes, yes you did.”  He whispered in my ear.

With that his lips crashed against mine and he started to slowly unzip my dress.  I think you might be able to guess where it went from there ;)

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