Chapter 42-Harry's Proposal To Eleanor

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*Time Skip – A few weeks later*

This was it.  Today was the day I was going to propose to Eleanor, and I was currently setting up a romantic dinner for the two of us.  Louis had agreed to stay at Niall’s place tonight so that it was just the two of us.

It was 6:30pm already and I knew that Eleanor would be home any minute.  I laid the finishing touches on the table and I closed the door to the dining room as I walked towards the front door so I could surprise her when she walked in.  I stood at the door, and about 30 seconds later I heard the door unlock and open, followed by the beautiful face of my beloved Eleanor.

“Harry!”  She exclaimed.

“Eleanor!” I exclaimed in the same tone.

“How was your day?”  She asked.

“Good.”  A cheeky smile formed on my face.

“I know that face.  What did you do?”  She asked suspiciously.

“I have a surprise for you.”  I smiled as she put her things down.  I took her by the hand and lead her to the dining room. “Stay.”  I said, and then swung the door to reveal a beautiful dinner that I had set up.  She gasped.

“You did this all for me?”  She said smiling.

“As I told you before, I’d do anything for you.”  I said smiling.  “Sit.”  I said simply and pulled out a chair for her. 

*Time Skip – after dinner*

“Eleanor, I have something to ask you.”  I said a tiny bit nervously.

“What is it Harry?”  She asked confused.  I took a deep breath and got down on one knee.  She looked at me with wide eyes.

“Eleanor, I love you so much.  I have loved you ever since we met, and more and more each day since.  You are my other half, my heart, my soul, my reason for getting up each morning.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so would you do me the immense honour of becoming my wife?”  I said, getting a beautiful white gold and diamond ring out of my pocket. (

She paused for a moment, and then her face broke into a massive grin.

“Yes! A thousand times YES!”  She exclaimed.  I slipped the ring onto her finger and got up and kissed her.


I can’t believe it.  I am now engaged to the love of my life and the person I want to, and am going to, spend the rest of my life with.  Harry…my Harry.  He is such a romantic.  A beautiful dinner and after dessert he proposes?  He is just amazing.

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