Chapter 24-The Bungalow

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Harry and Anne came back down the stairs after what I assumed was a lecture from Anne aimed at Harry. 

“OK, now, sleeping arrangements.  Sam, Grace, we have two spare rooms upstairs for you to use if you like. I think I still have both Harry and Gemma’s old portable cots somewhere so we can move them into your rooms if you like.”  Anne said to Grace and I.

“Thank you for the offer.”  I said smiling  “I think I have Ariana’s portable cot in my luggage but if I don’t have it I will happily take you up on that offer.  Thank you Anne.”  I said smiling

“I think Sam said it all.”  Grace added “and thanks again Anne.”

Anne smiled happily, then she turned to the boys “Boys, you will be sleeping in the bungalow.” They all grinned. 

Personally, I really wanted to see the bungalow since it was where everything (One Direction) began.  At heart I was still a hardcore Directioner, I always will be, but the ‘hidden feelings’ type rather than the ‘scream-in-your-face-I-love-you’ type.

Zayn noticed the faraway look on my face, suggesting I was imagining something, which was partially true.

“Hey, Sam, would you and Grace like to come and see the bungalow?”  He asked smirking

“Very much but let’s just find Ariana and Melody a cot so we can get them to sleep.” I said, a small smile on my face.  “They can stay in the same one for now.  What do you think Grace?”  I turned to see Grace asleep on the couch; Melody was now sleeping in Louis’ arms.  I smiled; it was nice to see them getting some rest.

*Around half an hour later*

We had found a cot for Melody and Ariana to sleep in whilst I toured the house and made my way to the bungalow.  At this point in time Grace was still asleep and Louis had carried her up to her bedroom and lay her sleeping on her bed while I got the babies settled. 

Once we had everything sorted Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn decided to take me out and show me the bungalow.  I had only seen clips of it so I was highly interested as to what it would be like.  Louis said he would stay with Grace until she woke up and then meet us at the bungalow.  Harry led us out, across his garden and around the swimming pool to a secluded corner behind a small hedge.  The boys went through a “secret” door and Niall held it open for me, motioning me to follow them.  As soon as we walked through the door I came face to face with the Bungalow.  We were a couple of metres away but I was staring in awe at it.  This is where it all started, One Direction was formed on X-Factor but this is where they got to know each other and in the process truly became One Direction.  This place was very special to them and I think I might have been the only girl, aside from Anne and Gemma, to be shown this sacred site. Oh my god, I sound like a crazed fan-girl.  It was almost like a small, one story cottage.  It had the campfire I had seen in “A Year in the Making” and a small garden.  The Bungalow itself wasn’t that big but could comfortably fit five boys if they all shared bedrooms, since Niall had told me that there were only three.  The exterior appearance of the bungalow was very homey and it blended in very well with its environment since it was a woody-brown colour.

 Stood there staring, soaking in my surroundings. Zayn came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.  I jumped and put my hand on my heart.  I saw the boys behind me smirking.

“Holy mother of carrots!  You scared me Zayn!” I exclaimed

“Holy mother of carrots?”  Harry asked, one eyebrow raised, trying desperately to hide a smile.

“Don’t judge me!  I am still a Directioner at heart!” I huffed, Harry, Liam and Zayn started to laugh, Niall just smiled at me.

“Shall we?”  He asked, indicating the bungalow.  I nodded and his arm snaked around my waist as we headed towards the sacred place – god I am starting to sound like a fan girl.

I mumbled a ‘Thank You” as he held the door open for me.

“Welcome to where it all began…the bungalow.”  Niall whispered in my ear as I started to smile.

“Would you like a tour?”  Liam offered

“Yes please.”  I said timidly, trying to hold my excitement.  OH MY GOD SAMANTHA!  PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! My mind screamed at me.  I took a breath to regain my composure and it was only then I noticed that the boys were staring at me strangely.

“Don’t ask.”  I stated simply.  They looked at me and shrugged in unison.

Niall, Liam, Harry and Zayn showed me around the bungalow.  It was actually bigger than I have originally thought.  It had a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, three bedrooms and a laundry.  We then went back outside to the campfire area and sat down in a circular formation around the unlit campfire and started talking.  Around five minutes later we heard rustling in the bushes and two figures emerge from the hedge, right where the “secret” door was.  Those figures could only be two people, Louis and Grace.

“Sleeping beauty has awoken.”  I said teasingly.  Everyone smiled and looked at Grace.

Grace said nothing; she just stared at the bungalow in a daze.  I knew she was thinking the same thing as I was when I saw the bungalow, but probably even more fangirlish (not a word, I know). She mumbled something to Louis and he took her inside for a tour.  


I can't believe I am actually here.  I am at the Bungalow, the sacred place where it all began.  Louis said he had a surprise for me but I never thought I would actually be here; so close I can almost touch it.  All I wanted to do right now was "fan girl" but I was just frozen to the spot gazing at the bungalow and its surroundings.

"You want a tour?"  I heard Louis ask me.  I simply nod because I am lost for words.

Louis walks me through the bungalow showing me where everything is, we get to the end and I turn to him

"Holy Flack this is awesome!"  I exclaim, Louis laughed

"Don't say that in front of Harry!"  He mockingly warns. I smile,

"I watched A Year in the Making but I never thought I would actually be anywhere near here.  The closest I imagined I would get would be my computer screen." I said, my voice sounding like I was in a daze.

“Come on, let’s go join the others.”  Louis said, leading me outside to the campfire area.

It was mid-afternoon so the campfire wasn’t lit.  We all just sat in a circle and talked, not about anything in particular really, but the conversation flowed comfortably.  We stayed there talking for who knows how long but then decided to make our way back to the house since it was getting a bit cold outside.

“Did you enjoy seeing the Bungalow?”  Liam asked smirking

“Yes, very much.”  Sam said smiling, “I think we both did.” She said turning to me

“Most definitely.”  I said as we walked back inside.

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