Chapter 16-The Attack

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I looked beside me to where Sam had been and she had disappeared, SHIT! I started having a panic attack when I heard a scream.  I followed where the scream came from and found a man with his arms around Sam trying to take her dress off.  That's when I lost it.  NOBODY does that to my fiancé.  I stormed over and punched the guy in the face before he could do anything else to hurt her.  While he was on the ground I put my hand around Sam's shoulders and quickly walked her out of the alley they were in.  That's when everything took a turn for the worse; everything seemed to happen in slow motion.  The man was on his feet and pushed us apart before I knew what was going on.  He then grabbed Sam by the shoulders and pushed her to the ground, well more like pushed her onto one of those huge rubbish bins, she hit her head so hard she received a big gash on the side of her head, I got to my feet as fast as I could but I was too late. I saw the man was smirking and he had something glinting in his hand.  'Oh no' I thought in horror, I was frozen and to my total horror, and all I could do was watch while he drove the knife into Sam, just above her stomach but below her heart, as she let out a massive scream of agony he stabbed again in her side.  This was followed by another scream of total agony.

"NO!!!!" I screamed as I was running over to her.  The guy retrieved the knife and ran off.  

Sam was now lying in a pool of her own blood.  I quickly called an ambulance and then looked down at Sam.  She was barely conscious but she had her eyes partially open and was trying to speak in a strained voice

"N-N-Niall, I-I-I l-love you" was all she could manage before she fell out of consciousness.  NO! NO! She was NOT going to die on me.  She was going to be ok, she had to be ok.  I decided to call Grace and say to meet us at the hospital.  My hands shook as I dialled Grace's number on my phone.  I put it to my ear and it started ringing.

"Hey Niall" I said Grace's voice sounding amused, 

"H-Hey Grace." I said trying to keep myself together.

"What's wrong Niall?  You sound petrified!"  She exclaimed.

"S-S-Sam is on her way to the hospital, th-things happened s-so fast that I couldn't do anything and sh-she is now in emergency room at the hospital."  I said, tears streaming down my face.  "I-I didn't manage to the stop the fact that she was at-attacked." I started sobbing so badly it hurt.  Grace was quiet on the other end of the phone. "God, this is all my fault."  I wept.

"Niall. This is NOT your fault.  Do NOT think that.  It's going to be ok.  Sam is a strong woman and I doubt she would give up for one second. She will keep fighting.  Do youreally think she would leave you behind?  You are her fiancé and the love of her life.  She has never been so happy in her entire life as she is now."  Grace said firmly. "How about Liam and I drop Harry, Louis and Zayn home and come over to the hospital as soon as we can?"  Grace suggested

"That…that would be great.  I could use some company." I said quietly.

"We'll be there as soon as we can" Grace said quickly.  

"Ok." was all I could manage.  Just as I was about to hang up I heard an

“Niall.  Everything is going to be Ok.  I hope you know that."  Grace said softly and then hung up.


I couldn't believe what Niall had just told me.  Then it hit me…but it was.  Niall would never lie to me, and not about something as serious as this.  I located all the boys and seized them by the arms, dragging them outside.  They were all looking at me as if I was insane.  

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