Chapter 28-The Most Beautiful Girl

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Harry had been gone for a while now and we were getting a bit worried as to where he might have gone.  Just then I heard Harry call my name, his voice echoing through the house.

“ZAAAAAAAAAAAAYN!!!” He yelled.  Is he crazy?!?!? He’ll wake up Ariana and Melody! Better go see what he wants.

“Harry!  Are you insane!  You’ll wake up Ariana and Mel…o…dy.”  My voice slowed down and I trailed off as I laid eyes on the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown which I could easily get lost in, her hair was the darkest shade of brown, it was cut short and framed her face perfectly and her skin was as dark as mine.

Harry snapped me out of my trance of staring at this beautiful angel.

“Zayn, this is Cora.” Harry said slowly, almost unsurely, I am pretty sure he noticed Cora and I staring into each other’s eyes.

“A pleasure to meet you Cora.” I said, taking her hand and kissing it, still a bit in awe.

Harry nudged me, trying to bring me back into reality.

“So, Cora, how are you today?”  I asked casually, trying to keep my cool.

“Much better now that I have met you.”  That comment made my insides melt and I noticed Harry smirking.

“Why don’t you come inside and meet everyone else?”  Harry asked politely.  Cora’s eyes widened

“Oh, I would like that very much.”  She said nodding happily.

Harry gestured for her to come in and I took her hand, intertwining her fingers with mine as I lead her towards the living room.  I heard voices as we got closer, but before I could make out what they were saying, Harry opened the door.  Eight pairs of eyes turned towards us.

“Everyone, this is Cora.  Cora, well, I think you know all their names.”  I said winking at her

“Yes.”  She said softly.

With that we sat down and started talking.

All For A GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz