Chapter 31-Whatever It Takes

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Sam had gone back into the Arena to get her bag a good 20 minutes ago.  I was getting a bit nervous as to where she was.  It didn’t take that long to get a bag did it?

“Guys, I am going to go back inside to see where Sam is, anyone wanna come with me?”  I asked.

“I’ll come.” Harry said.

We walked back towards the Arena to see where she was.

“We’ll be back in a minute guys.”  I told everyone, they nodded.  They looked very concerned though.

Harry and I walked back into the Arena to our dressing room.

“Sam? Sam, where are you?”  I called.  No answer.  Ok, now I was worried.  We entered the dressing room and saw Sam’s bag sprawled out on the floor, its contents spilling out onto the floor.  I noticed a piece of what looked like an old rag lying next to it.  I walked over to the bag and picked up the piece of material and smelled it a bit.  The room started to spin and my vision blurred and I felt very dizzy.  I vaguely noticed Harry rush over to me and catch me before I fell.  I coughed and came back to my senses, hearing Harry yelling at me.

“Niall!  Niall are you ok?” Harry asked urgently.  I coughed once more

“It’s laced with knock out gas or something.”  I croaked


“Chloroform…” I whispered, horrified. “Niall, I am really sorry to tell you this but I think Sam has been kidnapped.”  I said, my voice breaking and tears coming to my eyes, blurring my vision.

“No no no no no no no!  I can’t lose her! Not again.”  He then sunk to the floor in an uncontrollable fit of sobs, tears streaming down his face.

“We should take everything to the van and let everyone know.”  I croaked through my tears. 

I picked up Sam’s bag and its contents and then helped him up.  We both had tears streaming down our faces as we walked outside to the van where everyone was waiting for us.

Once we got outside we made our way over to the van and heard

“Niall! Harry!  Where-what happened?!”  Grace exclaimed seeing both Niall and I.  Niall had his head in his hands while I was guiding him towards the van.

“S-S-Sam h-has b-been k-kidnapped.”  Niall stuttered through his tears.

Everyone went silent and their eyes opened wide in shock.

“Lamia.” Grace whispered with contempt in her voice.  She then proceeded to kick the wheel of the van quite violently.  “WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING HERE!!!”  She screamed, everyone turned towards her confused.  “Fucking bitch is supposed to fucking be in fucking Australia.”  She way saying, more to herself than anyone else.

“Hold up.  Who is Lamia and what does she have to do with this?”  Liam asked.  Grace stopped kicking the tires and turned to us, a look of absolute hatred and loathing on her face. 

“Lamia is a girl who was Sam’s ultimate bully when she was at school.  She has been after Sam since they finished school.  I don’t know exactly what for, but I do know that if we don’t find her soon, Lamia will kill her – that I am sure of.  I wouldn’t even be surprised if she was responsible for Sam’s attack last year.”  She explained to us.  We all had identical expressions – we looked like goldfish – our mouths were wide open and out eyes were the size of dinner plates.  Everyone was just so shocked it was unbelievable.Why would anyone want to hurt Sam? I thought to myself

“We need to find her.”  Louis said.  Stating the obvious much Lou? I thought.  “Do you have any idea of where she might be?”  He asked, hoping to get a positive answer.

“No, unfortunately, I don’t.”  Grace said sadly.

“We will find her.  No matter what it takes.”  I said determinedly.   Everyone looked at me and nodded their heads in agreement.

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