Chapter 21-Back On Tour

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*One Week Later*



Grace and Louis were due back any day now.  We were currently on our way to Mullingar.  It will be nice to be home again and I am really excited for Sam to meet my parents.  We were all on the tour bus humming along to “Hey Jude” by The Beatles when all of a sudden my phone rang.  It was Louis.  I picked it up eagerly.  I hadn’t spoken to him for a couple of days now

“Hey Lou!”

“Hey Niall!  How’s it going?”

“Good.  How are Grace and Melody?  Will you be coming to Ireland soon.”

“They’re great.  We are actually waiting for a plane now so we should be in Mullingar within the next two and a half hours.  Can’t wait to see you.”  He said happily

“Yeah, us too.  We have missed you and so have the fans, truth be known.”

“Say hi to all the boys and Sam for us and I guess we will see you soon.”  It seemed like he was almost too happy.

“It’ll be awesome to have you on tour again with us.  We missed you mate.”  I smiled.

“Oh, Grace is calling.  Better go, see you soon.”  About a second after he said ‘soon’ the line went dead as I chuckled to myself.

I told everyone what Louis had said and they all perked up at the thought. 

*Two Hours later*


We had finally arrived in Mullingar and I was so happy to be home.  We drove straight to my house so I could see my parents.  The boys knew how much they meant to me and I really wanted them to meet Sam.  We drove up my driveway and surprisingly didn’t find any fans waiting for us.  We all got out of the van, leaving our bags in there for now, and headed towards the front door.  I wanted to make Sam a surprise and hide her from view for a bit so I put her at the back and Harry, Liam, Zayn and I made a circle around her, me at the front.  I knocked at the front door and my mum opened it, as soon as she saw me an ecstatic look formed on her face as she ran up to hug the boys and I.  Thankfully she hadn’t seen Sam…yet.

“Mum. I have someone to introduce you to.”  I said looking at the boys.  We parted to reveal Sam smiling sweetly

“This is my fiancé Sam, she is from Australia.”  I said

“Hello Mrs. Horan, it is lovely to meet you.”  Sam said sweetly, smiling her dazzling smile. 

“Hello Sam, please, call me Maura, and it is a pleasure to meet you too.  I am so happy that Niall has found his princess.”  She said happily, a huge smile on her face.

“Ok mum thank you for that.”  I said quickly.  God, mothers are embarrassing sometimes. 

“Just looking out for my baby and speaking the truth.”  I rolled my eyes and the boys snickered.  Sam just put her arm around me

“And I have found my prince.” Sam said smiling gazing into my eyes then put her head on my shoulder.

“Well, shall we go and get our bags?”  Liam suggested, it looked like he was feeling a bit awkward.

“Why yes Liam, yes we shall.”  Sam said smirking, everyone started laughing.

We dragged all of our bags into the house and we showed everyone to their respective rooms.  Mum had made a room up just for the boys, which had two sets of bunk beds, plus one single bed in it so the boys, and maybe someone extra, could stay there when we came to Mullingar and Sam was in the guest room. 

We all put our bags in our respective rooms and then went downstairs to join the rest of the family. I took Sam’s hand and we descended down the stairs, we got to the bottom and all was quiet.  Something’s wrong, I thought to myself.  That’s when two figures came running out of the living room.  One jumped on top of me, knocking me to the ground, and the other flung herself on Sam and hugged her like nothing else.  Then I realized who they were.  The person attacking me was Louis and the person hugging Sam was Grace.  After I finally got Louis off me we headed into the living room to see Melody sleeping in a cot either mum had found or Grace and Lou had bought.  So that’s why everyone was so quiet.  It was great to see Grace and Lou again and I am so happy Grace and Melody are fine and well.  That’s when I remembered we had a concert tonight. That thought just got me even more excited.


*At the Concert*



The boys and I had figured out a plan for the concert tonight.  As it was Niall’s hometown we had decided to do a “post-concert” after we had finished the actual concert.  We don’t usually do this but it was rare that we came to Mullingar for a gig and we decided to make the most of it. 

Anyway, this “post-concert” would consist of; duets with Grace, Sam and us and then some solo songs for the girls.  We had all of the songs chosen, for the duets I mean. These were the songs.  For Sam’s duets: Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson with Harry, and Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes with Niall.  Grace and Louis were also going to do a duet Count on me by Bruno mars and one with Zayn, Don’t Worry Be Happy by Guy Sebastian.  Then we would suggest Sam and Grace do a duet ofTelephone by Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, and ask the girls to do one or two songs solo.  We were all so excited.  Neither of the girls knew about this plan but I hoped they wouldn’t eat us alive for it.

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