Chapter 35-Meeting Eleanor

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Harry seemed a bit day-dreamy ever since he met that girl at the Brits…hold on a second…he’s in LOVE!! Right.  I am going to have to do something about this.

“Harry Edward Styles, come with me.”  I said randomly in the middle of the conversation.  Everyone looked at me weirdly and Harry was looking a bit nervous.  “I’m not going to eat you, I just need to ask you something.”  I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him into the kitchen.

“What did you want to ask me?”  Harry asked nervously.

“First of all, relax.  I am not going to eat you.  Secondly, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to invite your mystery girl over to meet the rest of us?  I want to see how she reacts around the rest of the boys and Sam, Grace, Danielle and I.”  I said.  I saw his face light up.

“Ok!  I’ll just go call her!”  Harry said happily and ran off to his room to grab his phone.

I made my way back to the living room.  Seven pairs of eyes snapped towards me as I sat down.  I smirked.

“Harry is inviting his mystery girl around to meet us all, and by the look on his face when I mentioned her, she is one lucky girl, he is head over heels.”  I said smiling.  At that exact moment, Harry walked back into the room and everyone was smirking at him.

“What?”  He asked; no one said anything so he looked at me.  “You told them didn’t you?”  He said more of a statement than a question.  I shrugged

“They needed to know before she got here and I also told them that by the look on your face when we were talking about her, you were head over heels.”  I said, a slight smirk creeping onto my face.

“Cora!”  He complained.  “Yes, it is true.  I am in love with a girl I saw on the red carpet at the Brits and yes, she coming over in about 15 minutes.”  He confessed.  I smiled, happy that I finally got him to admit it.

*15 Minutes Later*


I heard the doorbell ring and Harry race, faster than I would have thought humanly possible, towards the door. 

I heard voices coming towards the living room where everyone was seated and then a beautiful girl come walking through the door.  She had blonde hair with purple streaks through it, radiant blue eyes, and pale skin.  She was smiling shyly and clinging onto Harry’s arm.  I got up to go and say hello.

“Hello sweetheart.  What’s your name?”  Sam asked kindly

“E-Eleanor.”  She replied quietly.

“It’s alright, there’s no need to be scared of us.  We won’t hurt you.”  Danielle said, putting a hand around Eleanor’s shoulders.


The doorbell rang and I rushed to the door leaving everyone else in the living room.  I opened the front door to mine and Louis’ apartment to reveal Eleanor dressed in this (, smiling shyly at me.

“Hello.”  She said quietly.  I smiled at her and blushed.

“Hi.”  I said. “Would you like to meet the others?”  I asked hopefully.  She smiled.

“Yes please.”  She said smiling slightly.

“Come on.”  I offered my hand to her and she took it willingly.

We walked back into the living room and she was greeted with smiles from everyone in the room.

“Hello sweetheart.  What’s your name?”  Sam asked kindly

“E-Eleanor Davies.”  She replied quietly.

“It’s alright Eleanor, there’s no need to be scared of us.  We won’t hurt you.”  Danielle said, putting a hand around Eleanor’s shoulders.

“Th-Thank you.”  She said smiling.  “Wow, I am usually so outgoing and loud.  I don’t know what is wrong with me.”  She said, more to herself than anyone else.

“So this is the mystery girl we have been hearing so much about.  She’s gorgeous! Nice one Haz.”  Louis said happily.

“You told them about me?”  She asked me curiously.

“Yeah, he won’t shut up about you!”  Liam said.  “You are, quote ‘The most beautiful girl I have ever seen and she is just perfect.’” He added on the end.

“Thanks Liam.”  I said sarcastically.

“Aww, it’s so sweet that he has been thinking about me a lot.”  Eleanor said smiling, I blushed and everyone laughed.

After that we all sat down and talked for hours about anything and everything.  By the time we finished and Eleanor had to leave it felt like we had known each other for forever.

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