Chapter 19-Rumours Confirmed

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The day for the interview had come and we were all quite nervous, the interviewer had asked Grace and I to come along as well but we were not entirely sure why.  Grace and I planned our outfits along the lines of keeping our injuries covered.  I had a nice top and skirt with a cardigan to cover my arms, I left my hair down to cover the still visible gash on my head.  Grace had a watch and a massive bracelet on to cover her wrists and planned the rest of her outfit around that.  We were all really nervous but we decided to brave it out.

We got to the interview and I was clinging onto Niall as if there was no tomorrow, I could see that Grace was doing the same with Louis.  We walked backstage, with 10 minutes to spare, and were given microphones to put on.  Waiting was an excruciating task because of all the nerves Grace and I had.  Just then I heard the call for One Direction and Niall gripped my hand as we walked into studio.

"It'll be ok.  Don't worry."  he whispered to me as we walked on. 

We all waved to the crowd and went over to sit on the red, velvet couches.  There were two of them so we could all fit.  Grace and I were just smiling and looking at the presenter, Sharon, occasionally glancing at Niall and Louis, Grace and I were in between Niall and Louis on one couch and Harry, Liam and Zayn were on the other. Welcomed the boys, Grace and I and started talking to the boys about their new album the tour and various other music-related and fan-related questions.  She then turned on Niall and me

"So, I have heard that Niall has a Mrs. Horan.  I am thinking this is true yes?"  She said cheekily, I smiled at Niall and then turned to her

"Yes, this is true and we wouldn't have it any other way."  I said, and Niall nodded enthusiastically

"So, how did you two meet?  Niall?"

"Well, we met in Australia when we were on our tour earlier this year.  I fell in love with Sam the second I saw her and then got to know her.  Just before we were about to leave, on the steps of the bus actually, I proposed to her and asked her to come on the rest of the tour with us and she said yes.  The rest is history and here we are now."  Niall smiled and I savoured the memory.

"It was the best day of my life," I added happily

"Aww, that is a real fairytale isn't it.  So I take it you two are very happy together.”

"Yes we are."  Niall and I said in unison, then blushed

She asked us a few more questions about Grace and me moving to the UK, and the boys’ tour and such.  Then I did something that I instantly regretted:  I started put my hair up because the stage lights were so hot.  There was a collective gasp from Sharon and the audience as I realised what I was doing.  I instantly released my hair so it fell back down, covering my head gash.  I was so used to being around the boys and them not caring I had totally forgotten about it. 

"So the rumours are true." She muttered.  The boys and Grace were looking at me with a look of shock and sympathy.  SHIT!  I knew she was going to ask me about it now and I had to think of a reply.  I groaned and I heard her voice get louder 

"I am sorry about your injuries, but if you don't mind me asking, what happened?"  She asked trying desperately trying to get an answer out of me.

"I…I…um." I started, not knowing how to reply, I looked at Niall, he leaned closer and asked me

"Do you want to tell them or do you want me to?"  He asked looking concerned

"N-No, I'll tell her."  I answered nervously, looking down then back at Sharon.  I closed my eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath.

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