Bringing the Boyfriend Home

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Katsuki Bakugou 

The date didn't go bad at all and wound up being a critical moment for their relationship. Bakugou finally was done hiding the fact that he cared for Izuku and was ready to try and give Izuku the relationship he deserved. Izuku wanted affection, well needed affection being an omega and all that. He was clingy as shit, and he loved it. He was ready to give Izuku that, well as much as he could show his emotions in front of other people anyways.

Bakugou was shocked at how well Izuku was doing with his quirk training and was pleased to hear how he finally made it past level 4 in his pheromone training, although level 4 didn't seem that big of a deal to him, he had no clue how difficult it might have been for Izuku since he was not allowed around him during those training sessions; Midnight refused the few times that Bakugou tried to sneak in with Izuku for a session, he was curious.

The first step to making things official with Izuku for real would be taking him home to meet his parents. Well, he has met them before obviously, they spent every waking moment together since they were toddlers until Bakugou moved away; but this was different because Izuku was his boyfriend and mate, well not officially his mare since they haven't fucked or marked each other, although with the way their biology is reacting to one another it would be pretty much impossible for them not to be fated mates, he really wanted to wait until one of them turned 18 to know for sure. Bakugou only had a few months left before his 18th birthday and he was excited.

Izuku was nervous to spend the weekend at Bakugou's pace again, he had a mini break down the other day when Bakugou told him that he wanted to take him home for the weekend to be introduced to his parents. Bakugou knew his parents could not care, they might be surprised but I am sure they seen it coming since the whole incident at the beginning of the school year thing happened. I mean, his own mother was an alpha, she knew what the fuck he was going through. That was pure lust and biology, but now it is more; he is in love with Izuku now.

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Kat?" Izuku whined as they flopped into the back seat of the cab, heading home for the weekend after classes. He was getting kind of annoyed with Izuku now, it's been like 3 days of him asking that question.

"Oh my god, Deku. Stop. I wouldn't fucking be doing it if I didn't want to, you know that. Am I the type of guy to just do things because other's want me to?" he grumbled and shoved his bag into the floor. Izuku packed his bag in the floor as well and sighed.

"I know, I know... I'm sorry..." Izuku huffed and buckled up as the driver pulled away. Bakugou gave him the address and then sat back in his seat as well. He didn't know why Izuku was so nervous, his parents had always loved him. They will love him now as well, although he was nervous about how his mother would react to the fact that they are dating. Not that he is with a guy, but just how perverted his mother can be sometimes; she will definitely be making weird jokes.

The ride home didn't take much longer than he was expecting, letting them get home just a few hours before dinner time. Bakugou had already told his mother he was bringing Izuku over but didn't tell her why. Izuku didn't talk much the whole ride there, meaning he really was nervous. Normally the boy would never shut up or stop mumbling when he was nervous. Shit, this was bad then, he thought.

Bakugou paid the driver and the boys got out of the car with their bags. Izuku looked like he was trembling, making Bakugou sniff the air instinctively. The omega was churning out distress pheromones, making Bakugou growl protectively.

"Oi, shitty nerd. Cut that out, you'll draw attention to you." Bakugou grumbled and came over, wrapping his arms around Izuku and rubbing scent glands. The alpha knew it was the one way to force the boy to calm down, it worked like magic. Izuku stopped trembling and clung onto Bakugou, mewling happily as his calming pheromones and natural scent washed over the omega. He pulled away and held Izuku at arm's length, looking at him suspiciously.

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