178 13 2

Author :- jes_uba123
Reviewed by :- Synonymous_Boost

Grammatical construction :- 10

Grammatical construction is good.

Grammatical errors :- 10

So far, there are no grammatical errors.

Easily understood :- 10

The story, though has very twists and turns, it becomes quite easy to understand with the author's creative ability to write. So, it's easy to understand.

Use of vocabulary :- 09

The words used are very plain and easy to understand. So, that's why it would have been much better if some more convincing words were used.

Use of punctuation marks :- 09

The use of punctuation marks is good but it really needs some more attention. There are places where punctuation marks are not used properly.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book :- 10

The title, at first, creates a very good conflict in readers mind. Because, Noeilla doesn't seem to know anything but still the book is named "All she knows". But, it do justice as the story advances. A conflicting title is always very suitable for a book.

                Character development :- 08/10

While reading, one can not understand the characters very efficiently. For example :- The author has written that Noeillia feels demotivated by looking herself in mirror but why she feels so, she didn't describe. Also, the author mentioned that her parents are strict but how ? She failed to mention. Whereas, she has also contradicted her character of the parents by saying that "Noeillia's parents were not like Bianca. They let her be free." ( This statement was written in the chapter where she provided the pov of Noeillia's cousin. )

The author really needs to work on that.

Lessons gained :- 10

The story seems to advance in a regular way so, one can easily get what's happening in the story.

At last, I would like to say that the book is overall good but it needs some more attention of the author regarding the character development inside the story.

For Example :- While reading one can easily understand what Noeilla feels, but one need to focus very carefully to understand what other characters such as Collin or Hannah are feeling.
The character sketches of the parents should also be improved. Thier feelings and emotions are not well shown. Rest is all good.


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