Accustomed Emotions

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Book :- Accustomed Emotions by amaranthinepoetry

Reviewed by :- Synonymous_Boost

Grammatical construction :- 10

Grammar is good.

Grammatical errors :- 10

No grammatical errors are found so far.

Easily understood :- 10

The words used are very simple to understand. Also, the stories are short and unique to understand.

Use of vocabulary :- 08

Very simple and easy words are used in the book. There are some places where more convincing words can be used.

Use of punctuation marks :- 09

Although the author has written the book with minimal errors regarding punctuation marks, there are some places where comma and semicolon is missing. Please try improving it and the book will be more interesting to read.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book :- 08

The title 'Accustomed Emotions' is very fit for the first chapter of the book but, as the book progresses with other stories, the title starts  becoming more and more inappropriate for the whole book. You can try any other title for the book which can actually sum up all the contents of the short stories written.

Lessons gained :- 10

Every chapter teaches you a lesson which the reader can never forget. One really needs to read the book to understand the gravity of lessons the book and the author tries to convey.

Character sketching :- 09

Since, the book is not a single story, character sketching is hard to track. But, the author have sketched each chapter and character in a different and unique way which is extraordinary. So, in short, I can't actually sum up the whole character development of the book but I will try to highlight some of the characters who became....

1. Mother wrote letters

In this story, the main character progresses from the insecure brother to the understanding son.
Sometimes, we know and feel the difference between ourselves and our siblings but, what we fail to see is this, that even if, someone is not willing to give us the required attention, we should not get confused regarding our role in the mentioned person's life. Because, at the end, everything will be alright if we realise our worth and act accordingly to our situation and not on impulse.

2. The Skipper

Language -

"Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of it's speaker. "
                   - Cesar Chavez

"Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where people come from and where they are going. "
            - Rita Stae Brown

"It is astonishing, how much enjoyment one can get out of a language that one understands imperfectly. "
              - Basil Lannean Gildersleeve

Let's just say, the main character understood these quotes perfectly at the end of the story.

3. Therapy

Warmth - It is something that everyone requires but, the warmth which costs us our dignity is not really, warmth. The main character understood this... but still can't come up with its term.

4. Lonely

"We run from attachments to attachments,
As if that is the solution.

The problem is that
We fail to love ourselves;
Without someone loving us.

And we fail to see
Our self-worth
Without someone seeing it.

Do not detach from yourself,
To attach to someone else."

                   - Najwa Zebian

The main character needs to understand this and maybe she does.... but not like it's needed.

I would like to go on for other stories and characters as well but, that will not be good. So, I guess this much example is going to be enough.

At the end, Accustomed Emotions is a 'worth try'.

Score :- 74/80

Thank you.

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