Every second counts

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Book :- Every second counts by drishtipandey15

Reviewed by :- Synonymous_Boost

Grammatical construction :- 09

Grammatical construction is good but needs to improved at some places.

Grammatical errors :- 08

The book contains a lot of grammatical errors which needs to be fixed. I suggest you to reread your entire text before publishing it. It will help the readers to get a better understanding of the plot and stories.

Easily understood :- 10

The book is written in a very simple way so it's not hard to understand the contents or the plot of the book.

Use of vocabulary :- 09

Although the author has used some nice words, it doesn't hide the fact that the book could have been better if more promising words would have been used. The author did a great job while describing about the winter vacations. That's appreciative.

Use of punctuation marks :- 08

This category really needs improvement. Paragraph changing and giving gaps is really needed in the story.

Portrait of story in the title of the book :- 09

The title is completely suited for this book as this book is about the watch which functions on timer.

Lessons gained :- 10

We get to learn that precautions are important for a healthy life.

Also, we get to learn that we need to understand what is becoming toxic for our life. Just like the main character understood that the presence of Marcos's father was becoming toxic in both of their lives. She understood that sometimes, if we want to lead a peaceful life we need to discard what's toxic from our life. It's good to let go than suffocate in a toxic relationship.

Character sketching :- 08

Well, this is a short story so, character development is rare. As, the main character was already developed.... She knew that Marcos can handle a single mother than two parents who are not in love with each other.

Marcos character doesn't show any progress at all. He remains the same kid who feels that his father still loves him and will come back.

His father is not that involved in the story so, his character also doesn't show any development.

At the end I would like to say that the book is written good. Fix the grammar related issues as well as punctuation marks and the book will flourish.

Score:- 71/80

Thank you.

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