Remember Me

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Book: Remember Me by Hopelessly_Weird
Reviewed by:MounaRao

Grammatical Construction : 10

You were really good with the general framework of your words.

Grammatical Errors : 9

I don't have much to say but my advice to you is to stop juggling between tenses. That's the only drawback I found in your grammar. When you don't use the proper tense, the whole meaning of the sentence might change. So you gotta be careful with it. In a few places, I found you using 'present' tense when it was actually supposed to be in 'past'. You can easily correct it though.

Easily Understood : 10

Your grammar and vocabulary were neat and simple. Even though you have a very complicated plot, you made it very realistic and understandable to your readers.

Use of Vocabulary : 10

I loved your vocabulary, especially when you were describing things. You were able to show the difference between different era's very beautifully.

Use of Punctuation marks : 9

You have misplaced a few commas here and there. Rectify them and your book will be pitch perfect.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book : 10

I loved your cover. It's nice and elegant. Coming to the title, it's very relevant to your plot as it holds quite a huge amount of sentiment attatched to it. You picked it out well.

Lessons gained : 10

Time once lost never comes back. You need to make the most of it while you are at it. We never understand the value and importance of the people in our life. We tend to overlook their goodness. We always take them for granted. Once they are gone, regret seeps in but there's hardly anything left in our hands. Life may not always give you a second chance. Once lost is forever lost. So, we should treasure the things we have. Soo-yeon took her 'kookie' for granted but when the circumstances drew them apart, she started to regret her actions. She understood that it takes two to sustain a relation. She realised it a bit too late. You conveyed it all very well.

Character sketch : 10

I loved your characters. They are simple yet complex. They represent the characters from our day to day lives.

Soo-yeon is a sweet girl, just not sure about what she wants in her life. Amidst the confusions and insecurities, she let go of the most precious thing in her life, 'her kookie'. Jeon Jung Look is a sweetheart. He's calm and composed.
You did well with the developing of their characters.

Overall, you've got an awesome book up here with a very intriguing plot line. It got me hooked right from the start. You've showed the variation between the two era's very beautifully. The story is nice and smooth sailing. Just work out on the things I mentioned above and it'll be pitch perfect. It was a very interesting read and I'm looking forward to read the next chapters. Good luck!

Score: 78/80


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