We're not crazy

17 2 2

Book :- We're not Crazy by delusionalxbish

Reviewed by :- Synonymous_Boost

Grammatical construction :- 10

Grammatical construction is good.

Grammatical errors :- 09

There are some minimal errors that can be found while reading the story. For example :- you have started writing in indirect speech without used 'that', etc..

But, these are minimal so, it's not a big factor.

Easily understood :- 10

Grammatical construction and words used are very simple which makes it easy to understand.

Use of vocabulary :- 08

Words used are very simple and easy to understand but, it didn't hide the fact that better used could have been used there.

Use of punctuation marks :- 08

There are some places where comma and inverted comma needs to be used. Also, paragraphs are too long. They require paragraph changing at some places.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book :- 07

The book is named 'We're not Crazy'. And since, only two chapters are there, it's too early to judge if the title is suitable for the book or not. But, as far as the plot is considered, I still feel that more convincing title could be used because the story do not match with the plot so far.

Lessons gained :- 09

Book is written too short for now to learn any lesson but I felt like I did learn something. That is, to adapt to new surroundings and environment.

Character sketching :- 09

All the characters are not even introduced yet. So, it's very tough to say the sketching and development of characters. But, we do get to know that Veronica is 'not so social' type of person who doesn't like to get herself into troubles.

As for other characters, I can't say much as they are not properly introduced yet.

At the end, there is not enough to say about the book as it contains only 2 chapters which is a very small number for anyone to judge it. But, the book do not contain drastic grammatical errors and can be read by people who are looking for a nice high school book.

Score:- 70/80

Thank you.

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