From Down Under

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Book :- From Down Under by Alana2215

Reviewed by :- Synonymous_Boost

Grammatical construction :- 10

Overall, grammatical construction is good.

Grammatical errors :- 09

The book is written nicely with the sense of grammar but there are few things that can be changed to improve the grammatical errors.

Easily understood :- 10

The writing style of author is very simple so, it's easily understood.

Use of vocabulary :- 09

Very easy words are used for better understanding. There are some places where more convincing words could have been used to create a better scene in the book.

Use of punctuation marks :- 10

Punctuation marks are used at the right places.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book :- 08

Honestly speaking, the author has used quite a contrasting title for this book. 'From Down Under' .... here, both Down and Under create a sense of awe in reader's mind as they are very unique words which resemble each other very much. But, the title fails to describe the book or the story in a best way. So, it can be improved.

Lessons gained :- 09

The book is currently on hold, so, it's really hard to understand anything. Also, all the characters are not even introduced yet. But, whatever chapters are written helps the reader to gain the story in a simple way.

Character sketching :- 07

Firstly, all the characters are not introduced. Secondly, the characters in the story are pretty contradictory.

For example : Esmay is the Princess of Waterworld so, naturally, she should have a liking to all the water breethers but, that is not the case. She finds Shark's eyes hollow and the creature dark and evil. She likes Dolphins but hates Sharks. Why ?

She is not a human who needs to be afraid of the shark but she is. I find this pretty contradictory.

At last, all I would like to say is that the book is written in a nice way which helps the reader to have a better understanding of the theory of life inside water. But, there are some terrible faults in the character sketching. Please improve them and the book will be done perfectly.

Score: 72/80


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