Odes of Old

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Title: Odes of Old
Author: Bunnygunny
Reviewed by: FanminsClub

Use of figures of speech: 9/10

You used a lot of metaphors and comparisons, which I found essential to the story. Indeed, they helped us imagine everything you wrote about, they made it easier for the reader to get immersed in each tale.

Potrait of feelings: 10/10

Not many feelings are portrayed, but do they really matter? In my opinion, not really. This is not a sentimental poem we are talking about. However, when feelings are portrayed, they are well described and 'drawn'. Good job.

Grammatical construction: 9/10

Wonderful your poems are,
But words seem to disappear.
It makes your phrases sound bizarre,
Adding some will make it clear.

"A book with songs he has fill",
Doesn't make much sense. As
Where's the 'to' after 'has'?
Perhaps it has gone ill.

A couple others I have found,
Each one of them to stay;
Perhaps it'd be much more profound,
If they were easier to say.

Another thing I gotta point,
Is the lacking punctuation marks.
For each verse they're like a joint,
Without them, a poem isn't sparks.

(How was it?)

Lessons gained: 10/10

Since your poems are epic, it's hard to find lessons. But it's not your fault, so full marks anyways. I will state that I have found one lesson, although I'm not sure it counts as one: If you have no name, make yourself a name. The Bard loves singing but has no name, although he is later called "Tellowin". So he makes himself a name by singing songs and becoming a bard. It shows you don't need a name to be what you want; make yourself one instead.

Relation between the title and the poem: 10/10

Odes of Old is the tales of a Bard put together in one book. Those tales are odes of the old times. The title fits the book perfectly.

Is the poem speaking for itself?: 9/10

The poem surely does speak for itself, as it describes what happened and what could've happened very well. It is not relying on anything in particular, and each tale is linked to the other while staying independent.


I'm not the kind that reads poems a lot, although I enjoy them, but Odes of Old had me casted under a spell, and I couldn't stop reading it. Your poems are wonderfully phrased and constructed, they really do give off the idea of sung tales. The words you use are beautiful and enhance the flow of every verse. If I were to describe your book in three words, it would be "Magical, Beautiful, Must-Read". I truly loved it.

Score: 57/60


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