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Hello! We have some important news for all of you today. The critique entries are officially closed (for now).

We have been receiving a lot of new books to review, and clearly we're biting off more than we can chew. All of us have been very busy (it's back to school for so many of us) and have had a little to no time for reviews.

Basically, what we'll do is stop accepting new books until we have finished all our work. (Keep in mind that you can still comment and fill out the critique form, we might just not answer right away!) Then, the critique entries will be reopened. Also, if most of the team is done with their reviews, we'll start accepting books again. Don't be surprised if your book suddenly gets accepted in the middle of our "hiatus" though, as some members might want more work.

This "break" will help our team immensely, and you too. Indeed, we will have more time to work on each review, which means better quality critiques!

Once again, we're truly sorry for this inconvenience, but don't worry, we'll be back soon!

- BFR Critique Team

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