48 6 1

Author :- _ScarlettWilson_
Reviewed by :- EveeCooper

Grammatical construction :- 10/10

You've edited the book very well. Amazing grammatical construction.

Grammatical errors :- 10/10

There are no grammatical errors so far.

Easily understood :- 9/10

I liked that the book is in third persons pov, it is really easy to understand. Although in third persons pov it's hard to personalize the character, I think you should work on Isabella's character. It gets confusing to get to know her character, if it's bold or timid, shy or not, optimistic or pessimistic etc. Other than that, you've done a great work.

Use of vocabulary :- 10/10

You've done an excellent job in vocabulary. Seems like the writer has a vast knowledge of words. Very well done.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book :- 9/10

The story portrays a forced marriage between two people, I kinda got confused by the title. The cover on the other hand, portrays the whole base of the story. I think the title will make more sense as the reader continues reading next chapters.

Lessons gained :- 10/10

The story is unique and not cliché.

The story is overall good and I'm hoping to read more, but I would like to say a few things about how you should improve.
I loved your writing, but the chapters were too long and the pace was a bit rushed. You should work on Isabella's character development too. And I didn't understand the part why they got married in the first place. She likes him but he does not, why did he marry her?
But other than that, the plot is very well written and well understood.

Score :- 68/70


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