.,' Expedition ',.

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Kari POV

"Ray?" Kari tugged on Ray's cape nervously. Ray grunted, signaling "go on". "Can we go check the old Octarian bases? To look for...clues?" Kari tilted her head.

"K." Kari hugged Ray happily, and tugged her arm, signaling that they should go.

"Hold up!" Marie looked at them, and was pointing her umbrella at her. Kari shrunk behind Ray. "You go check the first base," she pointed to them again "And you two go to the second base." She pointed to Nori and Cherry this time.

"Roger!" Nori saluted and super jumped away with Cherry.

"And Cobalt, if they find clues, you'll go find Silica by yourself," Kari faintly heard as they zoomed off through the sky.

Once they reached the first base, Ray sighed.

"This gives me good memories..." She smiled slightly, then her face turned grim.

Kari ran to a small item on the floor. She picked it up and presented it to Ray, who pressed a button on it.

"Fzzt... go...zz...AWAY...C#p@)5.... bzzt!" It buzzed and ground to a stop.

"That was Silica's voice!" Kari jumped up and down, but Ray stopped her soon after.

"Let's search for more." Ray pocketed the walkie-talkie and started scanning the area. Kari was watching as she jumped down to a lower level, and then picked up a paper. Kari jumped down with her, and read the diagram. It was in Octarian dialect!

"I can read it!" Kari took the diagram and began translating to Ray. "Super-Remix Glasses 3000... Remixes the wearer's memory... owner can possess the wearer... created by Octarva." She looked up. "When Silica first came...the Octolings she took glasses off said 'Octarva'(refer to Chapter 4)!"

Ray nodded, then scanned the sketch of a high-tech looking pair of sunglasses.

"Let's go back. This is good info." Ray rolled up the parchment and gave it to Kari.



Cherry POV

"Ah, this place was amazing!" Cherry re-enacted her whole battle with Octavio, until Nori tapped her on the shoulder.

"Let's get this done with first!" Cherry sighed and tucked away her dualies. She looked at Nori, and noticed that she was stepping on something.

"Hey, can you move your foot? I think you're stepping on something," Cherry asked. Nori stepped away and Cherry picked up a metal capsule with a button. Cherry pressed it, and it opened into a metallic bat, with blood dripping off of it.

"Aah!" Cherry flinched at the sight of Silica's blood, not even completely dry yet.

"Ooh, scary~" Nori teased, pretending to be scared.

"Shut up!" Cherry was extremely embarrassed by her actions, and picked up the bat again. It had a small dent.

"It must've hit Silica's earbuds!" Nori scanned the dent shape. "Huh...?" Cherry looked where Nori was looking, and saw something shiny.

"One of Silica's earbuds!" Cherry gasped as Nori ran back, holding a shining earpiece. "Let's bring these back, they're perfect! And we can check if we can locate where Silica is!"

"Ok~, let's go!" Nori and Cherry super jumped back to Octarian Crevice.

Ooh, getting intense! I'm pretty sure y'all have already guessed what is going on, but eh, it's fine.

This is Nori!

Say hello, Nori!

Heehee~ good Nori!

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Heehee~ good Nori!

Plus, happy late 4th anniversary, Splatoon!


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