Chapter 20: (Patience)

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~Zoey's POV~

When I got home I went straight to the kitchen. Jackson walked in with a smile on his face.

Me - "What?" I asked.

Jackson - "So how was the audition? Did you get the part?" He asked.

Me - "He said he would call me and let me know. The audition went great he was really impressed with me and my appearance. You know the way I was just. " I opened the fridge and I grabbed some sparkling lemonade.

Jackson - "Well sounds like to me that you've already got the part! Just wait you'll see. " He winked at me. "So do you want some fast food or do you me to cook us something to eat?" He asked. He filled a glass up with water and took a sip. I like fast food but I don't really want any today. I just want a home cooked meal.

Me - "I'm can you cook some food. I just don't feel like eating take out. I really want a home cooked meal. " I said.

Jackson - "Okay, sure babe. Uh what do you want for dinner?" He asked rummaging through the refrigerator.

Me  - "Oh I really want some meat loaf with some mash potatoes and some green beans. That sounds amazing right now. " He closed the fridge.

Jackson - "Okay we can do that. And yea that does sound good. " He agreed. He searched through the cabinet looking for the sauce and green beans. He found them and began making dinner. While he was making the meat loaf I was making the mash potatoes.

»»»»»»» 2 Hours Later «««««««««

Finally we finished making dinner. We were now setting up the table when I just got an idea.

Me - "Hey Jackson?" I asked.

Jackson - "Yea. " He said.

Me - "Do you mind of I invite Rachel and Charlie over for dinner?" I asked.

Jackson - "Sure. We need more people in this house it's too big for just us. " He said. I went upstairs and into our bedroom and I grabbed my phone. I went through my contacts and I called Rachel. After two rings she answered.

{Phone Convo}

Rachel - "Hey. " She said.

Me - "Hey rachel, are you doing anything this evening?" I asked.

Rachel - "Nope, not at all. Why?" She asked.

Me - "Because me and Jackson just finished making dinner, and you know we live in a big house and it can get lonely sometimes. And I was just wonder if you and Charlie would like to come join us. " I said.

Rachel - "Oh yes of course! Okay I will be there as fast as I can. It might take about 40 minutes. Bye girl. " She said. And she hung up. I went back downstairs and I walked into the kitchen. I helped Jackson finish making the rest of the table.

Jackson - "So what did they say?" He asked.

Me - "Oh she said they're coming. But you know they live an hour away, so it would take her about 40 minutes considering that she might be speeding. " I said. Jackson set the glasses on the table beside the plates along with some napkins.

Jackson - "Okay. So what do we do until then?" He asked.

Me - "I don't know. Maybe just chill and what tv. " I said walking into the living room. Jackson sat down beside me on the sectional and he turned the tv on. He flipped through channels until we found something that was entertaining.

»»»»»»» 30 Minutes Later «««««««««

I heard the doorbell ring and I opened it. I saw Rachel and Charlie standing in front of the door with gifts in their hands.

Me - "Hey guys what's all this?" I asked referring to the bags in their hands.

Charlie - "Oh it's just a little engagement present for you and Jackson. " He said.

Rachel - "Yea, we just had to get you guys a present. Can we come in?" She asked.

Jackson - "Yea!" Jackson yelled from the couch. They walked in and they set the gifts on the coffee table.

Rachel - "The one in the purple is from me. " She pointed out. I pulled the wrappers out of the bag and I found an angel.

Me - "Aww thanks Rachel. I've always wanted one of these in my house. I'm going to make a collection of these and put them in a little glass cabinet in the living room. I went and set it on the table. Jackson opened the other bag and it was a picture of me and him when he proposed to me at the aquarium. I almost started crying but I stopped myself.

Jackson - "Wow! Thanks guys, this really means a lot to us. You guys are the best friends we could ever ask who's ready to get their grub on?!" He asked running to the kitchen. We all went into the kitchen and me and Jackson made Rachel and Charlie's plates first. Then we made our plates and we filled out glasses with some sparkling ice lemonade. Yea I know I drink that a lot but what can I say I'm addicted to it!


When we finished four dinner Charlie and rachel left. Now it was just me and Jackson left alone. I washed the dishes and we went upstairs.

Me - "Hey I'm going to take a shower. " I said closing the bathroom door. I stripped out of my clothing and I turned the water on hot/warm. I cleansed myself and I washed my hair really good. Once I got out I wrapped a towel around me and I put some night clothes on. I got in the bed and I sighed.

Jackson - "What's wrong babe?" He asked.

Me - "I just feel like something is going to go wrong tomorrow, it's like I can feel it. " I said.

Jackson - "Nothing is going to go wrong. Stop doubting everything and just think positive. " He put a hand on my back and started running it up and down to comfort me.

Me - "It's just...what if I don't get the role. Then what?" I asked.

Jackson - "Then try again. Or try out for a different role. Just be patient, we'll find out soon enough. "

Me - "Yea...goodnight. " I said.

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