Chapter 27: (Decorating the cake)

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»»»»»»»»»» Next Day »»»»»»»»»»»

~Jackson's POV~

Me and Zoey's went back to the church to give the pastor his money for the wedding. We walked in and gave him the envelope and said our thank you and left. Now we have to go find a caterer and a wedding cake designer.

We drove around and while I was driving Zoey's looked up some bakery places near by.

"Hey how about we can go to Ed's Bakery. It's just around the corner of you take a right. " She said. We stopped at a red light and she showed me all of the bakeries and designs.

"I like it. It's perfect and we can have the smiley face cookies for the after party. " I said. I'm so happy everything is working out as planned. I don't know why Zoey was soon worried. We took a right turn and the bakery was literally right there. We parked in the parking lot and we walked in the bakery.

When we walked in we were greeted by Mr. Ed of course.

"Hello! How is this lovely couple today?" He asked.

"We're good. " We say.

"So what can I do for you today?" He asked.

"Well, we're planning a wedding and we saw some pictures of all of your bakeries online. We think they're amazing. And we were hoping that we could get you to make a wedding cake for us?" She asked. I put my hand on her lower back.

"Yes, yes of course I can! What kinda of colors do you want?" He asked.

"I was thinking red, blue, Brown, and white and the very top. " I said. He looked up with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh...yes. that will be the perfect color. " He said. "Ill tell you this, give me about 2 days to finish the cake and then you come back the third day to see whether or not you like it. " He said. We agreed and left the store.

We got into the car and we buckled up. I started the car and started driving. While we were driving I got the greatest idea.

"Hey babe. " I said. She took her ear buds out and turned her attention towards me.

"Yea?" She asked.

"How about we go somewhere different today. Let's go to a different restaurant. Let's go to Red Robbins. " When I said that her face lit up like a Christmas tree. I chuckled.

"Oh my gosh! yes! I can't wait to get there because I'm starving. " She said. About ten minutes later she was knocked out. I turned her music off and put her phone in her purse.

»»»»»»» 30 Minutes Later »»»»»»»»»

I parked in the parking lot and took Zoey's seatbelt off.

"Zoey...wake up. " I whispered. She wouldn't budge. "Zoey..come on were here. We're at red robbins. " She slowly opened her eyes and squinted because of the sunlight in her face. We walked into the restaurant and we walked up to the front desk. The lady gave us a little beep thingy to tell us when we had a table.

»»»»»»»»»» 5 Minutes Later »»»»»»»»»

The thing started beeping signaling that we had a table ready. The lady took us to our table and we sat down. She gave us two menus and left us to be alone for a while. We looked through the menus and I knew exactly what I wanted. I want a cheeseburger with some fries and a strawberry lemonade drink.

Jackson ordered the same but with a root bear float. Soon the lady came back and we gave her our orders and an appetizer. The woman came back with our appetizers and our drinks. I had 3 drinks before our food got to our table. And by that time I had to use the restroom.

"Um, ill be right back Jackson. I have to use the restroom. " I said. He nodded and continued drinking. I ran to the restroom and did my business and washed my hands. I walked back out of the restroom relieved and sat back down and began eating. I took the first bite out of my burger and it was like nothing I had ever eaten before. I can't even describe it. I took a few French fries and a sip of my drink. "Wow this is amazing. We need to start coming here more often!" I say. He laughs and just stares at me.

"Yea it is pretty amazing. " He continues to stare at me. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yea it's just...I don't know what my life would be like without you in it. " He says. I start blushing and I'm sure he noticed cuz he starts grinning. "You are...amazing. I love you. " He says.

"I love you too. " I said. We continue eating and we left the place.



~Zoey's POV~

Today is the day that we go pick up the wedding cake. Me and jackson were already awake. We've been awake since 9. Me and jackson are in the kitchen making some breakfast. Charlie and Rachel are here too. They are in the living room watching tv or something. We are almost done with breakfast.

I'm making the eggs and bacon and jackson is making the pancakes and sausage. And we'll both make the biscuits. I finished the eggs and bacon and put them on everyone's plate. Jackson put the pancakes on their plates and now we're starting the biscuits. We put them on the pan and put them in the oven and preheated to 350. Then once the oven was preheated we put the biscuits in.

About ten minutes later the biscuits were ready. We took them out and we set them in a bowl and we set the syrup in the middle of the table.

"Hey guys! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled. They walked in the kitchen and sat down. I poured orange juice in their glasses.

"Ooo, this smells great. I can't wait to start eating. " She said.

"Well you don't have to wait on me guys, dig in. " I said. I sat down and started eating. "Hey Rachel, can you pass the syrup please. " I said. She passed it down and I poured syrup on my plate. I dipped a piece of my biscuit in there and took a bite. It was great. Soon everyone finished eating and me and jackson washed the dishes.

Once we finished that we got dressed and were making our way down to Ed's Bakery. We walked downstairs to see Charlie and Rachel cuddled up watching fast and furious 6.

"Hey we're gonna go to Ed's Bakery to go pick up the cake. We'll be back soon. " I whispered. Me and jackson got in the car and drove to the bakery. We walked in and walked to the back of the store.

"Hello, I'm so glad to see you again. " He said. "Okay so there was a bit of a Change with the colors. I decided to do blue and brown. White and brown, or just white with brown flower designs. Okay so here's the first one. He pulled the plastic off the first one and it was good. Not my favorite though. "You don't like it?" He asked.

"No. Next one please. " I said. He pulled the plastic off the second one and I didn't really like that one either.

" one. " I said. He pulled the plastic off the last one. And I fell in love with it. It was beautiful.

"Yes! That one is beautiful. How much for the cake?" I asked.

"The cake will be 2,500. " He said. We paid him the money and he promised to keep the cake for us until the wedding day. Which isn't very long. We left and went back home.

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