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Hello, and welcome to this book, random reader who might have stumbled upon this book by chance! I know most of you might probably skip this, but in case you are more interested in the background of this book, read on, by all means. But be warned, for you will be immersing into a world of magic and danger, and there is no going back.

  Back in late 2017, after I've read Joseph Evans' City of the Falling Sky, I started really considering writing and planning a book really, really seriously. By preparing a more detailed structure, and putting more effort into the characters. The idea of the story was born when I was typing away at my phone, bringing The Legend of Herobrine to life. As a lover of fantasy, mythology and different legends, I decided to finally write a fantasy genre book, something that I have always wanted to write. But I told myself to wait, and to plan carefully before I publish this, in order to ensure it's quality.

  So as I wrote the other books, I have been planning for this one. And after quite a while, I finally came up with the plot, and started writing after I finally finished Fallen Gods(which actually jumped the queue for my writing list).

  I tried putting more effort into the plot and the characters, but to be honest, it took a really long time to come up with the main villain's motive. I had a hard time deciding her background and what drives her to do whatever she does. Finally, after months of thinking, I came up with the final result which I am the most satisfied with, and what fits best into the story.

  Here's an important question you might wanna ask. So what should we expect to see here?

  Action and adventure, as well as several time jumps in the first few chapters about their origins. There will also be five main protagonists, and I try to give them all equal attention, but in the end I kind of thought I was giving one or two the special attention, as quite a big portion of the story was circulating around their relationship and past.

  Also, out of the five main protagonists, only one will be female. I know most of the people here are females and enjoy reading about female protagonists, but I personally think it was difficult for me to write in such a perspective(for a very personal reason), along with the fact I enjoy writing non-female protagonists more. And to be honest, male protagonists are much more rare here. Seriously, try searching for good books, most of them are centered around a female main character.

  Of course, there will be female characters in this book. But don't expect damsels in distress without a good reason, since that's one thing I especially frown upon. So that's the thing. Do expect quite a number of strong characters, regardless of any kind of gender. This is a story about heroes, after all. So just sit back, and enjoy the upcoming action.

  This story is set in a world that is based on Earth, but also features different dimensions with different connection points. Basically, you can treat it as a world with magic and some more advanced technology integrated with your daily modern world.

  Don't worry, this story is suitable for all ages, although there will be some descriptions of blood and gore. There will also be some mildly strong language, but words like your dear buddies which starts with "f" and "s" will not be featured here, so don't worry if you're against this kind of language.

  Alright, now that we got this over with, let's get started. And if you do like this, don't hesistate to vote, or even follow if you think I'm worth it. I'd very much appreciate it if you choose to show your support! It really gives me more motivation to crank out these chapters :)

  Anyways, if you've got comments, don't hesistate. I will always read them, and any kind of comments are welcome, unless their content is inappropriate, of course.

  Okay, now without further ado, let's really dive into this, shall we? Enjoy!

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