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Trivia time! Hope you guys enjoy these bonus facts! If you guys got any questions, just go ahead and ask :)

▪The original idea for the book was inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy, where a bunch of misfits banded together to fight evil. The first idea was an angel and a demon in the same team, being polar opposites and hated each other at first, then gradually became friends. Funny fact, they didn't know each other at first in the original draft, but then, suddenly I came up with the idea of the battle between Azir and Xev, and the both of them meeting each other during the events of the book. It's gonna makes the character dynamics much more interesting, seeing how two old enemies react and chew each other's faces off instead of two complete strangers just chewing each other's faces off for no apparent reason.

▪The name Jason was kind of inspired by Jason Grace in the HOO series, and JasonMU in Team Crafted. To avoid confusion, I intentionally changed Jason Aloz's hair colour to auburn, since both Jasons also have blue eyes and are sons of the sky god.

▪The character of Xevolar was partially inspired by Lucifer in the title series. However, I didn't want Xev go too overboard like Lucifer, so I tuned down certain parts of his life. Other than that and some bits of his personality, Xev's an original character with the kind of bad boy vibe. Didn't get to show it a lot though since this story is mostly occupied by the adventure.

▪ I thought for a long time for the name of Aquarius. I wanted it to be original and somehow special. Then I came upon a book about zodiacs and it reminded me of the name Aquarius, and I was like, hey, it works! Even though Aquarius is a masculine zodiac(or is it? Not too sure.) The name also emphasizes the bond between her and the Aqua Gem, which will play a very important role in her character.

▪I originally planned for Aquarius not to have any powers, but then it didn't make as much sense, since most of the fights take places on land, and she's already at a massive disadvantage, so I gave her the whole Aqua Gem gives powers gig, which also helps develop her character from being sheltered and dependent on others to being independent and strong enough to protect others. I wanted to emphasize the bit of Aqua being spoiled, but I don't really wanna make her an annoying brat, so I made her a nice and compassionate person instead, who helps people get over their troubles and is genuinely nice. Considering the others' background, it's a bit harder for them to be the super nice guy. Writing a spoiled brat into an adventure is probably a challenge for another time.

▪Aquarius' desire to go to above the Surface was inspired by Ariel in the Little Mermaid. Or else, how else is she gonna meet up with the others?

▪I took some inspiration of Aqua's water controlling powers from waterbending in Avater: The Last Airbender, and Mera from Aquaman. Just a little bit for reference.

▪The first draft of Xev and Aqua meeting was that Xev somehow abducted Aqua from Atlantis, but that didn't seem too probable, since Xev is at a huge disadvantage underwater, and the exact location of Atlantis wasn't that easy to find. Also, he'd have to use hellfire a lot since he couldn't use normal fire, and we're not even talking about his inability to see in the dark, or being able to withstand the water pressure, or even how could he breathe down there. Also, making Aqua losing her crown being her own fault also helps the character grow more. It was her decision to go to the surface, and it was her own responsibility to get it back. It's not like someone like Xev dragged her all the way into it.

▪The name Johnathan Ridge was recycled from the main character of the first book I have ever written, which is vampire story. And yes, John's the vamp. Again. It's only like several hundred words long and had only 7 chapters. And I really considered reviving that story, but it didn't seem to have enough potential, and I was too occupied by new ideas. So I recycled the name and moved on the another book, which was the second 'official' story I had written, which had been hand written down in hard copy(BIG MISTAKE). It's not gonna get published, and I just used it as practice and moved on. John's the main character again.(goodness, I really need to think of other names XD). During this book, Mythical Guardians, this name popped up real quick when I was thinking of the name for the vampire, and I really don't wanna waste the name, since it means something special to me. Also, he got another shot to be a better vampire, so why not?

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