◇37. Plan L stands for Let's Improvise◇

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The crimson liquid charged Johnathan up almost instantly. He took a deep breath, feeling the world sharpening around him, in scent, hearing, and sight all once. A burst of raw energy surged through him, making all his fatigue vanish without a trace. Goodness, he had almost forgotten how powerful he could feel. He would need all the strength he'd got. Still, he touched the faint scar on his cheek, the wound that was previously made by Herno's silver knife, aching dimly when he thought of the moment his vulnerable flesh had been split open by the deadly metal.

Pushing it aside, he took flight after the two fliers, the lights of the city starting to hurt his eyes when he stared at them for too long. Below him, Gordon and Aquarius weaved in and out of traffic, as he watched, the centaur swerving to evade a two storey bus in time. The cars honked and tried to evade centaur and rider, while Gordon yelled," Sorry, sorry, excuse us, coming through!"

Johnathan had to admit, it felt kind of good charging into battle like this. Adrenaline surged through his body, pumped to every single cell by his vampiric anticipation towards an incoming fight. All his troubles and worries faded away but one. Facing the lightning goddess once more.

Gordon kept up with the fliers at a steady pace, as the land passed fast beneath them, until they made it out of the modern urban areas, into a series of ruins, where lightning struck the ground at random intervals. Still, Johnathan could has sworn he saw the tip of a tail disappear behind one of the fallen pillars.

Herno most definitely wasn't in sight, however, he was astonished by the amount of humans tourists there, walking around here and there, almost completely oblivious to the danger they could be in.

Jason and Cedric suddenly dropped in altitude, which Johnathan quickly followed without too much trouble, hiding behind a large piece of fallen rubble.

"Why're we stopping?" Gordon asked, whispering, which felt kind of silly with all those people milling around, throwing suspicious glances at these strange kids.

"She's there," Cedric hissed," I saw her."

"Great, what's the plan again?" Johnathan asked, gripping his Djorman knife tightly.

Jason peeked out from behind they were hiding, muttering to himself for a while, before wheeling back towards them.

"Right," Jason fished out his stick and drew a rough, circular shape in the dirt," There's a circular amphitheater out there, and she's in the center of that thing."

"So?" Aquarius asked.

"We can creep up on her from different directions," the boy said with a crooked grin, "Use the landscape to our advantage. She can't cope with us all if we all attack from different directions at once."

"And what about all these humans here?" Aquarius asked," We need to get them out of danger."

"That's going to expose us," Johnathan frowned," And don't worry, those people being there is part of the plan."

"So they could get electrocuted?" Jason raised an eyebrow," Jeez, does that woman look like she needs more target practice?"

"No," Johnathan frowned, then threw up his hands in exasperation," Look, it isn't probable for us to evacuate them, okay? We don't have that kind of time, and we need to keep Herno from hurting those people. Besides, they're all around her, and she hasn't done anything yet."

"Then what?" Gordon asked, holding his feathered bow like he's about to shoot some of these dope looking hellfire arrows any time soon.

"We grab Aquarius' crown," Jason stated," and start kicking Herno's ass."

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