♧4. How everything went downhill♧

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Gordon regarded the target in the tree he was supposed to hit. It seemed like no problem, right? He was a centaur, and centaurs had great aim.

Except that he didn't.

He was nearsighted, a rare problem among the centaurs, that the target was a blurry, multicolored dot on the tree. He could still see it, but it didn't mean that he could hit it.

" If you don't hit it, you punk,"Jubilus whispered in his ear," Then don't even think about joining a hunting pack."

Gordon looked evenly at the centaur," Understood, sir."

The higher ranked centaur grunted, then eyed Gordon like he was a bunch of crap, before turning away, inspecting the other young centaurs in training.

Gordon hated Jubilus. The snotty centaur was a complete jerk that loved being in charge. And along with the fact that Jubilus thought he was nothing but crap as well.

In fact, he didn't want to be there, but since his father disappeared two years ago, his family lost their breadwinner. And his mother had been taking up the role ever since. It would had been fine, and all he needed to do would be to take care of his younger siblings.

Only that his mother fell ill.

At first, they thought it was just some minor stuff, influenza or something, but it had been worsening week by week. Until they consulted the doctor of their centaur tribe.

"I have never seen anything like this before," he had muttered," I can feel your life force waning. It is not natural."

"Can you cure it?" Gordon asked, anxious to know the answer.

"Temporarily, yes," the old centaur answered," but not for long. It seems that your mother has been cursed by the gods."

Cursed by the gods.

A lump formed at the base of Gordon's throat. What had his mother done wrong? She had always been kind, caring and thoughtful, doing her best to take care of her children. What did she do to deserve such a cruel fate?

"I have several bottles of very rare medicine here," the doctor said, bringing out several small vials of colourless potions," These may relieve her condition for a short while, but not for long."

"Then how will I get more?" Gordon asked anxiously.

The old centaur shook his head," Sorry, my boy, but I have no idea. These were given as a gift, a long time ago. And my mind is not as sharp as it had been, I cannot remember."

" Alright,"Gordon said, deflated," Then how much for these potions?"

"It will cost you dearly," the doctor said cautiously," Do consider this, you are only prolonging her suffering and passing. Do you really want to do this?"

Gordon balled his fists at the centaur's remark," Tell me. Do you have anyone you treasure? Any family members, huh?"

The old centaur shook his head," I used to, but they had either migrated or passed away."

"If they are still here, you would have done anything for them," Gordon said, his tone flat, brimming with anger," So, how much does it cost?"

The doctor cleared his throat," Bring me a jenhaw, alive or dead, it doesn't matter, and the medicine will be yours."

"Fine," Gordon growled, and left with a huff, along with his mother.

He knew he was in trouble. Jenhaws were among the most difficult prey to hunt. They were sneaky and fleet footed, also, they were rare, and only the best of the best hunters managed to catch them.

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