♡20. Running, running, and more running♡

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   Aquarius heard a loud, eerie hiss, and a blast of cold air filled the compartment they were sitting in. Cedric's face was instantly filled with apparent alarm.

  "Go!" He shouted.

  Jason didn't need to be told twice. He had already strapped on his wings. Grabbing Aquarius by her waist, the two of them hurtled out of the large hole in the side of the train.

  Instantly, Aquarius could feel the both of them falling, one of the new, less exciting aspects she had known about gravity at the Surface. She couldn't swim her way out of this one, and to her dismay, she couldn't manuever herself in the air.

  It was like she had left her guts back in the train, as the ground rushed out to meet her, the countryside with lush green fields, when she was dimly aware of the loud, hissing voice of Jason's metallic wings spreading, yanking her sharply into the air, and haulting her rapid fall.

  He settled her onto the grass, and she watched the open window, waiting for the other two boys to meet them and get out of the train. She was suddenly worried, what if they were in trouble?

  Moments later, a dark shape hurtled out of the hole, followed by another, but before his leg could leave the enlarged hole at the side of the train, his momentum was cut short, like something was yanking at his leg. He slammed roughly against the side of the train, dangling upside down, with his face to the rumbling wheels, held by the invisible force as the train sped on, cursing loudly with unintelligible language.

  The first shape landed gracefully, just to reveal itself as a disgruntled Johnathan, furiously covering his skin against the sun in the clear sky, flipping up a hood to cover his head and face. Her eyes widened, which means, the person dangling by the side of the train was...

  Gordon ran past, before stopping, his expression incredulous," What the hell happened?"

  "Long story," Jason panted," I guess we need to get out of here."

  "What about Cedric?" Aquarius pointed out.

  Turns out, he needed no help. Somehow, he had gotten free of the forces' grip, and was sprinting towards the four of them.

  "We need to keep moving," he grunted," they could be after us any second."

  "They?" Gordon asked, utterly bewilded.
  " Tyrachus' minions," Cedric said grimly,"I have no idea why they're after us, but we need to lose them."
  "Are you crazy? You can't run from Death!" Gordon shouted.

  "Well, we'll have to," Jason said,"Got any way to get outta dodge?"

  "They got any weaknesses we can use?" Johnathan asked," Please tell me they do."

  "Yes," Cedric said, seemingly troubled, then turned to Gordon," How far are we from Denaur?"

  "Several kilometers," Gordon replied, his face doubtful," But this is crazy, you can't expect us to outrun them."

  "I'll hold them off," Cedric said, his voice steely, most definitely not lighthearted any more," Which way to Denaur?"

  " West," Gordon replied uneasily," But how can you-"

  "I'll find you, don't worry," Cedric snapped," Now shoo!"

  Sensing his urgency, Gordon kneeled, and turned to the mermaid,"Climb aboard," then turned to Johnathan,"You too."

  The boy hesitated for a moment, then shook his head,"I'll slow you down. Don't worry, I can fly."

  Not wasting time to ask any questions, Aquarius climbed on Gordon's back, while Jason took to the air. Johanthan shrunk, until he turned into a small, greyish black creature with wings made of some kind of membrane.

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