♧27. Woah, wait a minute, she's gonna do what?♧

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  Gordon quickly kicked the bounty hunter behind him with his powerful hind legs, knocking them out instantly. He watched in shock as Darkkris' ace killed himself, therefore rendering the deal useless. The bounty hunters were going to kill them all, and they were painfully outnumbered.

  He heard Cedric shout, and a wave of fire came roaring towards the bounty hunters closest to him. Gordon knew he shouldn't kill these people, but at the same time, they were going to kill him, and he knew he needed to be there to stop Herno.

  "Screw this," he muttered, and shot arrow after arrow, aiming to kill. His broken horse ribcage thobbed painfully, and several small projectiles thudded into his flank. His hind leg buckled. If he was down, it was over.

  He reared up and kicked another two bounty hunters in their faces, their soft flesh meeting his hooves, breaking small bones and leaving huge bruises on their faces. He spun around, just to see a woman with a jagged knife leap towards him with a fierce cry.

  "Woah!" He reared up, and his right hoof connected with her torso, knocking her backwards, and sent her crashing solidly to the ground. While the centaur was savouring his victory, a sharp pain blossomed at his left foreleg. She did manage to cut him.

  Gritting his teeth against the multiple wounds on his body, he gathered his strength and charged straight towards a group of bounty hunters with assorted weapons, an arrow nocked on his bow, ready to fire.

  Something heavy suddenly connected with his human upper body, knocking him off balance and sent him tumbling, horse and human rolling over each other until the two finally came to a halt, with him lying on his side. He dropped his bow and arrow in the process, and hastily drew his hunting knife just in time to parry his opponent's strike, coming from a long, straight sword.

  He defended himself the best he could, but as the swordman swung the pommel of the sword to knock him out, he lashed out with a foreleg, the canon bone connecting solidly with the bounty hunter, knocking him sideways. The bounty hunter cursed, and fumbled for his sword, but that second was what he needed, he tried to stand up, his equestrian legs shaky, but before he could get himself ready, the swordman had already struck, driving a heel into his left knee.

  He gave a shout of pain as his leg buckled, his face well within striking distance, and it took every ounce of his reflexes to block the swordman's strikes with his short knife. His energy was slipping fast, considering that he and his companions had just been travelling almost non stop the past few days and he had been basically fighting for his life for the last few minutes.

  With a grunt, he used his hind legs as a boost, his wounded flank screaming in pain, as he brought his upper body up, his good knee connecting with the bounty hunter's stomach.

  The man folded like a chair, and Gordon hit his head with a hoof, the bounty hunter's eyes rolled into the back of their sockets and he prompty collapsed.

  The former bounty hunter's chest heaved with ragged pants, picking up his bow and arrow, and fired it at the closest bounty hunter, who was apparently fighting Aquarius, the mermaid struggling to overpower her.

  Aquarius gawked at him when her opponent dropped dead to the ground, her bright blue eyes wide in shock at what Gordon had done.

  Gordon simply shrugged helplessly.

  Suddenly, something tangled themselves between his legs, and sent him pitching forward, crashing painfully to the ground. He groaned as he realized what that was, a bola. One of his least favourite inventions.

  "Oh gods," Aquarius hurried to his side, cutting the rope as quickly as she could, since the centaur couldn't really reach them. Gordon's eyes widened as he saw several more bounty hunters closing in on them, one taking aim at Aquarius with their rifle.

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