◇32. The demon who sings◇

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  He eased open his eyelids, annoyed, that some random woman was singing again and disrupting his sleep. He had ignored it at first, and it had stopped, for quite a while. But after that silence, she started singing again.

  "For goodness' sake, shut up!" He yelled, clamping his hands around his sensitive ears, which wasn't actually helping much, to be honest.

  Cedric was already up, clearly annoyed with Johnathan, glaring pointedly at him with a scowl.

  "What?" Johnathan snapped, struggling to focus against the distracting music that was squeezing itself through his ears.

  "Oh please, do learn to appreciate some music, will you?"

  "Not interested, and also, this music is buzzing in my ears, mucking up my thoughts, and almost making my brain explode. What kind of devillry is that?"

  "Oh really?" Cedric merely yawned, completely uninterested," Sucks to be mortal, to be affected by a puny Siren-"

  "Hang on, a Siren?"

  Cedric scowled," Do I really need to repeat myself? Yes, a Siren. Now just plug in your stupid ears and try to tune it out. We'll be out of her reach soon."

  Johnathan grumbled to himself. Wait a minute, something seemed amiss. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His mind was still sluggish, but it didn't take him long to realize that Aquarius was nowhere to be seen.

  "You see Aquarius?" He asked Cedric.

  Cedric snorted," Yeah, she went above deck, why?"

  "Guys?" Aqaurius' voice rung out from above them. Her voice sounded worried, stricken with fear .

  "What's wrong?" Johnathan asked, his pulse quickening as he picked up the worrying undertones in the mermaid's voice, the song having abruptly stopped, as he removed his hands from his ears.

  "Gordon and Jason, they're gone."

  A terrifying sense of fear gripped Johnathan as he practically flew up the stairs. The vampire looked frantically around at the deck, and upon his realization that it was really empty, he then turned to Aquarius in full seriousness, his eyes wide as dinner plates behind his shades," You sure about this?"

  "Yeah," Aqaurius frowned," Also, I heard singing earlier on. What was that?"

  "The Siren," Cedric growled, having pieced things together, as he emerged at the top of the stairs," Great, she's got into their freaking heads."

  "She did what now?" Johnathan squinted.

  "Oh no," Aquarius gasped, her face going noticeably pale as the blood drained from her face," We need to get them back, fast."

  "She can't be far,"Cedric said, scanning the sea for any nearby islands, then pointing to the dark island ahead," There."

  "Would someone please tell me what's going on?" Johnathan snapped in frustration. He didn't have time for this crap, and he was irritatable after his nap got rudely interrupted. There was nothing he knew about Sirens, and now that Gordon and Jason were missing, he felt he was missing out when Aquarius and Cedric were discussing important stuff that he needed to know but didn't know, especially the stuff concerning how the two had mysteriously vanished.

  The two looked at him, unbelieving looks on their faces, before Aquarius took it upon herself to explain to the vampire," We believe a Siren managed to use her voice to enchant Gordon and Jason, luring them to her lair, possibly that island," she gestured to the island.

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