♡34. Verian's Rage♡

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Aquarius watched as the two flying figures flew towards the ship, grinning to herself that they actually made it out alive, and that their plan had actually worked. And of course, when she heard the two's loud bantering.

Cedric landed first, grinning smugly, with Jason trailing behind, his face red and puffy as he bent over hands on his knees, gasping for breath," Not...fair...you cheater..."

"You should have forfeit when you knew you can't win," Cedric snickered.

Jason glared at him, still catching his breath," You cheated. Bet you can't fly faster than I do."

"Oh yeah, you wanna go again?" Cedric said innocently with his wings slightly spread, not even winded, "I'm fine any time, how about right now?"

Jason snorted, flipping the bird at Cedric, who just laughed and turned away from him.

"That," Gordon shook his head, breaking into a grin," Was awesome."

"I know, right?" Johnathan chimed in excitedly," You guys are just shimmying left and right, and blasting and stuff. Man, you just have no idea how cool you guys look from down here. I wish I could do stuff like that."

Jason grinned, shrinking down his spear into a rod, and putting it into his pocket, before talking about the fight with a renewed enthusiasm, which the rest of them listened, with Cedric snorted at regular intervals and correcting or teasing him.

As the ship sailed on, the sky grew darker, even more so than before. Dark, grey clouds gathered, blotting out the sun, and just when she was curious what would happen, drops of water fell out of the sky.

Cedric cursed, hissing in disgust as he hurriedly made his way below deck. Johnathan snickered at the disgruntled Prince of Hell, then looked up at the dark skies," Come on, let's get some shelter, looks like this rain isn't going to stop soon."

"I'll stay here," Aquarius called," I like the water, anyway."

"Suit yourself," Jason shrugged, as the rest of them headed below deck, to hide from the falling drops of water called rain. Honestly, it was just drops of water, why would they be so afraid of it?

She shook her head, savoring the comfortable feeling as the downpour increased. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply, feeling the water all around her, immersed in her own bubble of peace and serenity.

Then suddenly, she felt something.

She opened her eyes, confused.

The sky was a dark grey, and the falling sleet of water obscured her vision. The ocean was dark, greyish blue, and she couldn't see as far as she could before it rained.

She tensed, her webbed hand tight around the hilt of her dagger. She was sure there was something interrupting with the calm she had only felt moments ago, and it was getting stronger, closer at an alarming rate.

The upwelling white water a fraction of a second early was the only warning she got. A gigantic, dark shape burst out of the water, with reptilian, glowing neon green eyes. The creature opened its maw, which was lined with dozens of razor sharp teeth, and could easily snap up the entire ship.

And that was what the creature did.

It clamped its jaws around the ship, dragging it down into the sea along with it, even Aquarius was surprised that she almost forgot how to breathe. Her back smacked hard against the water, then the railing at the side of the ship. It couldn't be, her eyes widened with fear as her world was blurred momentarily by a furious flurry of bubbles.

But again, who else would it be? She grew up hearing about the tales of Leviathan, the largest and fiercest of all sea dragons, ancient and ever hungry. With a flick of his tail, he could easily create a strong current or even a tsunami. Even though he had been heard to be constantly hibernating, he was still feared from oceans worldwide.

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