♤19. Oh, the joys of travelling!♤

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"Might?" Johnathan asked," Not very reassuring."

Gordon shrugged," Maybe. But he's the best chance we've got right now."

"So, where are we going?" Cedric asked.

Gordon gave Jason a look, which instantly made him think, Uh oh, and said the very words he dreaded ever since he fled from the territories of Gordon's clan," We are going to the wilds of Denaur."

Jason pulled Gordon aside, no easy feat, by the way, and whispered furiously," Are you crazy? Those centaurs will kill us if we go to their territories!"

"But we are not going within their territories," Gordon said with a grim smile," At least, not the territories of my clan."

Jason couldn't shake the heavy suspicion. And he had a good reason. All Gordon needed to do was to turn him over, and he will most likely be spared, while he himself with be at the mercy of the centaurs, most likely killed.

"Who is the guy?" Jason stared hard at the centaur, he had been told that he looked scary when he wasn't smiling, and that often worked for him. The centaur's entire attitude changed, his shoulders sagged and his face morphed into a more serious one, the one he took when he freed him from the centaur prison.

"Look, I get that you might not trust me when I said we are going back to Denaur," Gordon said calmly, unfazed by Jason's attempt to intimidate him," But I am a traitor to them now. You might think I am going to turn you over and all is forgiven, but it doesn't work that way. They will...well, I don't know what they will do. But I made a promise. I swore that I would stop Herno at any cost, and I don't intend to sway from that path. She has to be stopped, and I need your help.

"Look, I would have died if you haven't intercepted the lightning. That amount of voltage is lethal, and let's not be dramatic about it, but I owe you my life, quite literally. There is something special about you, I am sure of it. You might not believe in fate and destiny and stuff like that, but I do. I believe that fate sent you to be my companion. And it might have sent those three as well," he gestured to the other three, waiting for them at a corner and seemed to be in quite an intense discussion," And you have seen that not even the both of us can fight her on our own. We need them. Together, we might stand a chance."

The centaur sounded sincere enough, and his eyes didn't show any sliver of a lie. Whether he was telling the truth, or he was very good at lying.

Jason stared at him evenly, before grunting," Fair enough. As far as pep talks go, this is probably not the worst."

"That's good to know," the centaur said with a tiny grin, and patted Jason's shoulder before heading off towards the others.

This centaur may be his ally, but despite all odds, he still didn't fully trust him. He had seen how fast he could shoot with his bow.

They joined the other three. Cedric shot them a look that Jason couldn't exactly describe, but judging from his face and attitude, he guessed that he was a troublemaker and couldn't care less. He looked around fifteen, tops, but he talked like somebody older. As long as this was over, Jason would very gladly get as far from him as possible, he most definitely wasn't a fan of that jerk.

"And since we are going to be working together, we might want to set some ground rules," Jason said cautiously, but not betraying an ounce of uncertainty. He needed rules to ensure there weren't any backstabbing or anything going on within the team, and he was sure that if the team behaved, do they get the chance to succeed.

"I love rules!" Cedric grinned," That way I will have more fun breaking them."

Jason straight up ignored him," Rule number one, no intentional killing or maiming."

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