♡16. To the Surface...Wait, what?♡

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  Aquarius knew she definitely wasn't allowed to leave the palace, but she was just so very sick of it, and the fact that her parents would shut her out everytime she asked anything that was related.

  For four years, the truth about Tyssia's death had been uncovered, as the city of Atlantis prepared for war, if it did come to that. Even though the current status seemed peaceful, she could feel the brimming tension in the currents.

  But her parents were careful, careful not to let anything of importance slip. And even though Nemar rarely spoke about it, he was getting restless. He longed for adventure and exploration, while she longed to have her curiousity satisfied.

  And tonight, she would find out if the Surface was as terrible as her parents said, and if it was, well, she had the Aqua Gem at her side, along with some training that surely that must had counted for something, at least just for a quick trip.

  A silently and stealthily as she could, she took her dagger with her, strapping on her protective armour, then swum out from the balcony in her room.

  The city of Atlantis was mostly silent at this hour, dim lights flickering. Damn right, too, it was the middle of the night.

  She swum around the corners of the palace, checking around for any guards, taking cover whenever one of those glowing jellyfish came close.

  Of course, the jellyfish were just acting as lights, they couldn't actually see, so they couldn't really report her if they indeed came across her. Still, they could definitely feel sensation, so she would have to take care not to bump into one.

  She cautiously evaded the patrolling sharks, but one of the sperm whales caught her head on. She froze as the sperm whale located her with his echolocation, those beady eyes narrowing. Aquarius could had sworn, if the whale narrowed his already small eyes even further, those eyes would had vanished from sight.

  What are you doing here, Princess Aquarius? The whale questioned. If he could had raised his eyebrows, he probably would had.

  "I was just taking a swim," Aquarius lied, squeezing out an embarrased smile at the sight of the whale's benevolent eyes," Couldn't sleep."

  Hmmmmmm, the whale hummed, and Aquarius prayed to Ryxus that he couldn't detect the dagger strapped to her waist.

  Why is there a weapon by your side, my lady?


  "Um, uh..." she frantically searched for an excuse, before she settled for playing dumb," Oh, really? Silly me, forgot I had it!"

  Perhaps you sleep with your weapon by your side?

  Aquarius cursed the whale for being so smart under her breath, and just as she thought she was screwed, the whale asked again, I will give you one last chance. Why are you out here?

  She looked in the whale's gentle, benevolent eyes, and sighed, she knew whales could't fake sympathy, and they were empathetic creatures. She told him the truth.

  The whale pondered her words, and just as she was considering making a break for it, the whale sighed, Only for a short while, and allow me to accompany you, princess, for your safety.

  "Alright," Aquarius smiled.

  Together, whale and mermaid headed for the surface, with the sperm whale covering up for her, and detecting the sonar from other marine creatures, protecting her from detection until she finally managed to leave Atlantis.

  Careful as they were, they still knew they were doomed when a squadron of sharks burst out of nowhere, along with one or two swordfish in their midst. Aquarius cursed to herself. They had just been caught red handed at the worst time possible, and she was seriously worried about the sperm whale she had persuaded into helping her.

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