☆5. A not so heroic death on the battlefield☆

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  Xevolar watched from afar, at the defiant angel with his glowing spear and unique silver wings. He and the rest of his squadron of angels, as well as wind and storm spirits were surrounded by the armies of Hell. He heard the voice whispering in his dreams, telling him to kill that particular angel. To be honest, it sounded tempting, and he was almost obliged to, but he didn't like the woman's tone. A bit too...bossy for his own liking.

Of course, he was the prince of Hell, he didn't have to listen to anyone, including his father, much less a random stranger.

He had to admit, the angel had guts. That was the reason why he was still alive. And Xevolar couldn't help but be amused at the turn of events. Heaven and Hell was on the brink or war, and yet here he came, along with his squadron. Whether it was blind ignorance, bravery, or extreme suicidal stupidity, Xevolar didn't know.

  The gods couldn't come down in Hell, they were forbidden to cross over to the territories of the fiery realm. So in other words, the angels and spirits were trapped, at the mercy of his father, the Devil himself.

"You want war?" The Devil sneered at the armies of Heaven in his rumbling, draconic voice that had sent armies running for their mommies," You shall have it. Now hurry away, while I still allow it, and live your miserable lives a little bit longer."

  The King of Hell was currently in the shadowy form of a gigantic fiery dragon, his eyes burning with golden fire, as his head burst from the shadows of the dark, fiery realm. At normal circumstances, anyone would have trouble looking at him directly, much less stand up to him. The armies of Heaven were trembling, but only the authorities and the powers of their superiors kept them from bolting.

  The silver winged angel stepped forward, his bright blue eyes blazing with anger. His armour was dented and damaged in multiple places, and he was bleeding silver blood, but he flew up until he was eye to eye with the King of Hell in his gigantic dragonic form, ignoring the demon guards that pointed their weapons at him defensively.

"I would rather die, than live the rest of my life as a coward who has recieved mercy from the lord of Hell," he snarled, and pointed his glowing white spear at the Devil himself," I will fight you myself if it means putting an end to this war before it starts."

  The Devil chuckled lightly," Such spirit. However, it is below my dignity to waste my time fighting arrogant squadron leaders. You will have your fill of death when the war starts, ignorant child, when I open the gates of Hell and unleash its full fury."

  Xevolar had no doubt that the angel received the message. If he chose to engage, the Devil would destroy him in an instant, without any question.

  The angel seethed, but seemingly held himself back. He ground his teeth, his silver wings spread menacingly, as if he was going to attack, but then he planted the butt of his spear against the ground instead. In a flash of blinding white light, he and his entire squadron were gone.

  From his perch, Xevolar smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile. So, the gods did decide to interfere.

  War was coming. It was what he ever wanted. He could finally leave Hell and go kill some angels. Honestly, he was getting bored.

  "PREPARE FOR WAR!" The Devil bellowed, his very voice shaking the foundations of Hell itself. As the ground itself rumbled from the incredible strength of the sound waves, as if trembling with anticipation.

  "You will lead my armies, my son," the Devil turned to Xevolar, whose eyes gleamed with wicked excitement, "Those gods want war? Then I shall bring it to them."

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