Author's Final Note

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Hey guys! Whew! This really is the longest story I've ever covered in one single book, and I must thank you for making it all the way to the end of this journey! This book has been a blast to make, and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  This is my first original book with so many reads and votes, and I'm really, really happy to see that. I've indeed written a trilogy of original books prior to this, but they weren't nearly as well received and didn't have as much views.( I personally find those very cringe worthy now that I look back on it, and I'm probably gonna remove them later on or do some major rewriting, though I doubt I have the time for that). So, if you guys stumbled upon that, those books are one of the first books I've ever written. Though they aren't really good, they've really helped me improve my writing and worldbuilding, a lot, so yeah.

  I'm sorry for being slow in my updates, it's my first time tacking such a large project, and some of the chapters took much more time than I originally expected. Thank you for being so patient and understanding, and I'm really grateful for your support. I wouldn't be able to finish this without you guys, and seeing some of you enjoying the story serves as a massive energy boost for me to power through some annoying stuff like homework and just let the words flow in the story.

Lastly, yes, there will be a sequel to this book. I haven't started writing yet, and that will have to wait until I've finished Cyber War, which has been untouched for a good amount of months. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish that quickly, and wrap up the trilogy in a way that is satisfactory to you all.

Hope you guys like the story and the characters, I will be posting a trivia section behind this one, as to cover some details into the story and the universe itself. Comment down below if you liked or disliked anything about this book, and comment who is your favorite character! Also  I'm working on individual character posters for the Mythical Guardians and Herno, and I cannot wait for you guys to see them XD (I'm just finished with Xev, now working on Jason, hope you guys will like how they turn out!)And I'll see you in the next section. Stay tuned, and stay awesome!


Mythical Guardians will return


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