◇3. The Beast◇

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  "Shhhh," his mother said, squeezing him and his younger brother tight," We'll be safe. We'll be fine."

  How Johnathan hoped that it wasn't a lie, a desperate effort to comfort him and his younger brother. Unfortunately, it was all she could do to keep him and his brother safe.

  A monstrous growling made his blood run cold. He could almost feel the thing's glowing eyes boring into him straight through the wall.

  He shut his eyes, trying his best to not make a sound, and keep his knees from knocking together. He was shaking like a leaf just from the beast's blood chilling growls, he couldn't imagine how he would act if he ever saw it.

  Nothing could beat it, that was for sure. It was basically a killing machine, some priests said that it was a sign from the gods that they were displeased with their wrongdoings. What a bunch of crap. Some people even thought that it was the death god's reincarnation on Earth, and it wouldn't be satisfied until enough blood had been spilt.

  He understood why they proposed all those absurd theories, though. They were desperate.

  The village he lived in lay deep inside the lush forests of Kippinza, basically isolated from the rest of the world. They made a living out of farming and cattle ranching, but nothing more, which was greatly devastated when the beast first arrived.

  The cattle were slain first, then the farmlands trampled and destroyed under its supposedly monstrous weight. And it slaughtered dozens of people in one single night, leaving the rest cowering in their houses, afraid to even make a sound, fearing it would tear through their doors and walls and get them.

  Most of the people didn't even get to see it and make it out alive. Those who did refused to speak of it.

  Still, it became a pressing matter in the village, the entire village immediately gathered together to discuss a way to deal with the problem.

  " We can't sit here doing nothing while getting slaughtered," the village head said.

  "We should fight back!" Somebody roared.

  "Aye!" Another yelled, "that bastard killed my wife!"

  " Build snares and traps," a man suggested," slow it down. Improve the village defenses before it comes back at night!"

  The head of the village nodded thoughtfully," Yes, the best trappers should make the snares. And we need to assemble a militia. Who's going to fight?"

  Dozens of brave men and women sighed up to protect the village. Some of the villagers suggested asking for help from the outside world, especially from the United Kingdoms of Oxira, but others only replied with a shake with their heads. Even their local government, currently dealing with other problems, have no time for them. Their village was too remote, too small, and too significant. It would take any sort of help a lot of time to reach them, and by the time they finally did, the village would had most likely ceased to exist. In order words, it wasn't worth saving.

  So, at night, when the beast returned, some of the bravest men and women attempted to kill the beast.

  As expected, it didn't go too well.

  Archers rained arrows from the rooftops, swordmen wielded swords, while farmers grabbed whatever that could be used as weapons, hoes, hammers, scythes, kitchen knives, to even pans and pots. Johnathan wasn't there, of course, but he heard angry and annoyed growls, followed by screams. Human screams that echoed and rang in his ears throughout the night.

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