♤12. Nightmare came true♤

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  His mother screamed as a blast of lightning struck near her, pulverizing the ground to her left. His father kept her near him, grimacing at the situation. Having seen that expression for dozens of times, Jason knew his father was freaked out.

  He had good reason to be scared. The couple were on their way home, while a thunderstorm hit the area. Rain poured down from the sky like the floodgates had been torn open with brute force, and the sky itself rumbled and groaned. Lightning arced through the sky, too many of them to be natural, striking the ground in random places in sizzling, glowing lines of energy. 

  The couple were not far away from home, and suddenly, a blast of lightning hit them.

  The skies boomed, and Jason covered his eyes from the blinding blast, his heart beating quickly in his rib cage, words stuck in his throat in the last attempt at a strangled cry of warning to his parents. Were they still alive? Did it really hit them?

  "No," Jason croaked as he saw the two figures sprawled across the ground, unmoving, and smoking. He moved closer, but movement at the corner of his eye commanded his attention.

  He could sworn he saw a glowing, spiky mess, hissing and arcing with electricity. That couldn't be anywhere near good.

  "Hey!" He yelled.

  The thing turned, and that was when he realized that the spiky mess was settled on the top of a person's head, a woman, to be exact, with lightning travelling up and down her body.

  "Who the hell are you?" He shouted.

  She only looked at him, with eerily glowing eyes, and thrust out her hand.

  Light flashed in front of his eyes as he was suddenly sent sailing backwards, like he was being hit by a truck. A jolt ran down his body, as a sharp jab of pain erupted where he was sure to be the point of impact, his chest. His eyes fluttered shut as everything went black.

  He bolted upright in his bed, gasping, looking at his surroundings. He was in his room, and his digital clock read 18:26. He looked out of the window, it wasn't dark outside, and it definitely wasn't raining. Dang it, he hated to admit it, but it surely scared him.

  He tried to steady his breathing, what happened? What he experienced felt so real, including the part when he was struck with a bolt of lightning when the woman thrust out her hand. Speaking of her, what was she? And were his parents still alive?

  He immediately took out his tablet and swiped the call button, calling his mother, his heart beating wildly in his chest in fear that what had seen was real.

  "Come on, come on, pick up," he muttered anxiously to himself, as the tablet kept beeping at a steady rhythm," Come on, pick up pick up."

  "Hey, Jace," after a worrying few seconds that seemed like eternity, her voice finally answered, as Jason breathed a sigh of relief. Just had to be sure.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, apparently having heard him sigh.

  "Uh...nothing," he lied," Just have some problems with my homework. Can you help me out when you come home?"

  "Sure thing," she said, "Literature again?"

  "Yeah," he said, flicking through his workbook, cringing when he saw the long dreaded parts, a trail of cold sweat trailed down his neck when he saw the numerous empty lines. Perfect, just what he needed, a gods damned essay.

  "And hey, mom, can you come home earlier today?" Jason asked hopefully.

  "I'll try," she sighed," But there are so many projects to finish..." she stopped mid sentence, probably sensing Jason's hopes fall," Don't worry, your dad is probably going to get home soon, he said he got something special for you."

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