₩40. Mythical Guardians₩

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Jason's eyes shot open, as he sprung up from his lying position, gasping like a fish, almost scaring the living daylights out of the four around him, except maybe for Cedric, who just scoffed," Typical."

"How's your beauty sleep?" The Devil Prince raised an eyebrow," Good? Bad?"

"Are you okay?" Johnathan asked, concerned," What just happened there? With the light and stuff?"

Cedric looked at Jason, sharing a mysterious smile as he shook his head in disbelief, " Son of a gun. They chose you. They actually fricking chose you."

"What do you mean?" A look of confusion came over Aquarius' face, then her eyes widened when she came to a realization," Is he-"

"The gods chose Jason," Cedric explained," Instead of Herno. Now he has the power of an immortal god."

"What?!!" Gordon spluttered, "Really?"

"Except that I don't," Jason said, rubbing his eyes. His hand instinctively went to his right chest, frowning as he did so. The pain was gone and so was the hole in there. In fact, except from feeling exhausted as hell, he didn't feel any more physical pain at all. But there was something he also noticed was missing. His back felt strangely empty and light. Those energy wings were gone.

Cedric frowned," What do you mean, you don't?

" I rejected that immortality," Jason replied.

"You did WHAT now?" Cedric's eyes looked like they were about to fly right out his head any instant.

" I don't wanna become like Azir," Jason explained calmly," I was given this new life for a reason. Being a god just isn't for me. You guys are the reason why I made it this far. Screw immortality, I'm not going to forsake that just for power."

Cedric's jaw dropped. And for once, the ever witty Devil Prince seemed at a loss of words.

"You do know, those two aren't mutually exclusive," he finally said with a shrug," But whatever. That's your choice."

Aquarius rushed in to give Jason a grateful hug, who seemed startled, then hugged back, as Johnthan and Gordon joined in.

"Thank you," Johnathan said softly.

"C'mon, Ced," Jason called, as the four looked at the Devil Prince," You're part of the group, too."

"You're kidding me, right?" Cedric raised an eyebrow.

"Just come on," Aquarius said.

Cedric rolled his eyes, and joined the hug," Alright, you got me in this cheesy hug, happy?"

"Always," Jason grinned smugly.

"Guys, we finally did it," Gordon said after they all pulled away, his eyes shining," We saved the humans, and probably other species along with it."

"Yeah, I can't believe it either," Aquarius said in relief,wearing her crown once again, feeling satistfied with its familiar weight, " All that time believing we're gonna die, I can't actually believe we pulled it off."

" Hey, I did almost all the work," Cedric objected loudly, his arms crossed over his chest," Do you know how hard it is fighting that flying, meat eating triceratops?"

"Speaking of which," Johnathan spoke up," What happened when that thing stuck his head out the second time? We all thought you're dead!"

Cedric wagged his finger," You wish. He's not gonna get rid of me that easily!"

"Seriously," Aquarius asked, genuinely concerned," What happened? "What was it like inside that portal thing?"

"Oh, it's no biggie, and that place? Horrible by the way. Definitely not your typical ideal vacation spot," Cedric snorted in disgust and waved the matter aside. But despite his nonchalant attitude, Jason could tell that he was clearly lying. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, fighting the creature took much of a bigger toll on him. He had seen the way the Devil Prince looked when they fought together. Cedric spotted the look Jason was giving him, and instantly shot him a warning glare in return, Not. A. Word.

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